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Re: [Xen-users] Most stable Xen distro? (Results)

Doug Breshears wrote:
Is there a consensus on which distro is the best for running a Xen dom0?
OK after all the reading it appeared CentOS had the popular vote. So I download 6 CDROMS and installed on my system. I start the Virtual machine manager and fumble my way through it and manage to get a PV install started. I set the install media location to be /dev/scd0, put the first CentOS disk in and start the install. Sure enough the console window for poped up with the CentOS disk1 already booting. It gets a little ways then asks for where the install media is. I select "CDROM" and it says I do not have a device driver for that device.

So I look at the other VC's to see if there is anything there and I see that there are several errors about no drivers for "vbd".
So I shutdown the VM and do a little research.
Restart the VM and get "Error creating domain: Bootloader did not return any data".

I assume this means that because it did not install correctly the first time, it will no longer try to boot from the CDROM. So do I have to delete the VM, start over and make it re-create a new disk image?

Anybody have any clues?
This does not look much different that my experience with Debian Etch. (Except this is much prettier :)
I was under the impression that it "just worked" from a default install.
I am a total foreigner to CentOS /RedHat so if I am supposed to add a repository and update xen from somewhere could someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks for all your input.
Am I supposed to do anything extra like add

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