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Re: [Xen-users] Re: Partition vs disk images

Rob Greene wrote:
Ok, so the summary seems to be that images are ok for small stuff (and tinkering) but I really want to partition it out (I assume this becomes stronger as the partition grows). RAID 5 may or may not be a good idea.

My assumption (correct me here) is that the partition/logical volume I create for the Xen domU looks like a disk? Then, Xen will partition that disk out -- and I will create swap, /boot, /, etc partitions.
Xen doesn't do any partitioning. I suppose it would be possible to create a LV and then partition that block device up more (like you would a hard drive) but I think it is more common to create an LV for each partition you need and just attach it to the Xen vm in the xen config.

Now, to continue on the beginner topics. Using my existing RAID volume + LVM, I created a logical volume for a file server. I've specified it as:

disk = [ "phy:lvm-raid/FileVolGroup,sda1,w" ]

But, apparantly the installer doesn't see it? What am I missing? I've tried it as /dev/lvm-raid/FileVolGroup. I can mount it in dom0 (and then umount it of course). I saw a description where they formatted it, so I tried that and it still isn't seen. Do I need to go at it via the /dev/mapper/lvm--raid-FileVolGroup? Something else?

If you are using a cd based install I think you will have to do HVM for the installer to work right. So you might need a line more like

thats from my winxp guest but you can change it up for what suites your needs.

Of course I could be wrong on that assumption.
Nick Anderson <nick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

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