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[Xen-users] windows (or hvm?) domU freezing

I have only one win2003 server hvm domU among dozen linux paravirtual
machines, so I don't know if this is a windows or hvm problem.

Anyway the VM freezes during the night and the state in the morning is
like this:

Name                                      ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State   Time(s)
win2003                                   22      507     1 ------    522.6

This always happens cca 30 mins after start of the backup of other
domUs (4 hours of dd-ing volume snapshots to the backup disk)

xend.log is empty at the time of the freeze

qemu-dm.XXXX.log also contains nothing except normal messages

xend-debug.log also empty

I have tried doing xm pause at the beginning of the backup and xm
unpause at the end, that worked one night, but next night again the
same thing happened.

Grateful for any pointers.

To sto si frustriran, zavidan tko zna na cemu i sto ne vidis dalje od
svoje guzice je tuzno. Da onda barem imas toliko samokontrole da
sutis umjesto da pravis budalu od sebe... izgleda da si prestar da se
promjenis na bolje. - Davor Pasaric, hr.comp.mac

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