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Re: [Xen-users] Release 0.9.0 of GPL PV Drivers for Windows

James Harper schrieb:
I've just put up the latest release of the GPLPV drivers for Windows.
This release involved a fairly big rewrite of the stuff that talks to
Windows as I changed from WDF to WDM. WDF is a newer framework from
can see where I'm going at http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenWindows

Oh yeah, looks like it works quite fine, get usefull speeds between my Linux fileserver (on the same xen box, on the same small raid5 so he needs to read/write at the same time) and my Win2008 x64 test Dom, (somewhat around 20+MB/s) OOo_2.4.0_src_core.tar.bz2 needs just 5 or 6 seconds to copy onto the testbox as well as onto the filer from the testbox.
So far nice work james.
Go on!


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