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[Xen-users] Change Domu Settings

Recently I had a problem where I thought my domU config files had been removed 
and I wanted to adjust the perams so I created a new one with the values I 

[root@xen02 ~]# cat /etc/xen/max02 
name = "max01"
maxmem = 2500
memory = 2200
vcpus = 4
builder = "hvm"
kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"
boot = "c"
pae = 1
acpi = 1
apic = 1
on_poweroff = "destroy"
on_reboot = "restart"
on_crash = "restart"
device_model = "/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm"
sdl = 0
vnc = 1
vncunused = 1
disk = [ "file:/home/virt/max02,hda,w" ]
serial = "pty"

But if I restart or even shutdown the domain and recreate it still uses the 
values listed below. I have also tried xm vcpu-set and xm mem-set to get the 
values I want with no luck. 

So where is xen storring these settings? and how can I adjust them. I would 
like to have access to more memory and all 4 cores in a domain.

Thanks in advance,


Other info 

uname -a
Linux xen02.hugedesigns.net #1 SMP Thu Mar 20 14:58:12 EDT 
2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
AMD Phenom 9500 4 gbs ram 2x WD 500 gig. 

[root@xen02 ~]# xm list -l max02
    (domid 6)
    (on_crash restart)
    (uuid bae38aff-b4bc-5f7e-c6ee-3b5c9f15b632)
    (bootloader_args )
    (vcpus 1)
    (name max02)
    (on_poweroff destroy)
    (on_reboot restart)
    (bootloader )
    (maxmem 1000)
    (memory 1000)
    (shadow_memory 9)
    (cpu_weight 256)
    (cpu_cap 0)
    (features )
    (on_xend_start ignore)
    (on_xend_stop ignore)
    (start_time 1212585328.4)
    (cpu_time 8939.39338952)
    (online_vcpus 1)
            (kernel /usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader)
            (acpi 1)
            (apic 1)
            (boot c)
            (device_model /usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm)
            (pae 1)
            (rtc_timeoffset 4294967280)
            (serial pty)
            (usb 1)
            (notes (SUSPEND_CANCEL 1))
    (status 2)
    (state -b----)
    (store_mfn 255998)
            (bridge eth1)
            (mac 00:16:3e:5b:15:a0)
            (script vif-bridge)
            (uuid 2a0a16c8-8f29-357b-8218-23d12f4fe6dd)
            (backend 0)
            (uname file:/home/virt/max02)
            (uuid 361077c2-e685-97c1-05be-be812b15c80e)
            (mode w)
            (dev hda:disk)
            (backend 0)
            (bootable 1)
            (uuid ec6da0c5-ef24-a294-367f-97d6aa490646)
            (mode r)
            (dev hdc:cdrom)
            (backend 0)
            (bootable 0)
    (device (vkbd (backend 0)))
            (vncunused 1)
            (type vnc)
            (uuid 182964d2-702b-60a1-1579-b75f1c8bf52d)
            (location localhost:5901)
            (protocol vt100)
            (location 3)
            (uuid db06dbde-b7c3-6611-0ac4-4aa6f84b957f)

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