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Re: [Xen-users] qemu-img not compiled?

Randy McAnally schrieb:
Stephan, where would I find the generic build instructions specific to the tools/ioemu portion? To clarify, I have no issue building/running Xen. I just can't figure out why not all the tools are building/installing; I don't have any errors indicating anything is missing.

A short excerpt from the xen-3.2 (pulled via hg a few weeks ago) README:

3. For the very first build, or if you want to destroy existing
   .configs and build trees, perform the following steps:

    # make world
    # make install

4. To rebuild an existing tree without modifying the config:
    # make dist

   This will build and install xen, kernels, tools, and
   docs into the local dist/ directory.

I'm really sure, if you follow the build process carefully, you'll note some
missing commands around qemu-dm / hvmloader



Stephan Seitz
Senior System Administrator

*netz-haut* e.K.
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