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Re: Fwd: [Xen-users] Unable to create more than 1 VM

On Sunday June 08 2008 11:02:50 am Thomas wrote:
> My Dom0 is Debian Etch 64bits. Therefore it is probably a good idea
> that I use 64bits DomU too just to lower the chances of running into
> troubles, I'll do that right away.
> My Xen version is 3.2.1, well that's what ovh (my web hosting
> provider) says. Strangely, when I do "xm info" I see:
> xen_caps               : xen-3.0-x86_64 xen-3.0-x86_32p

Yeah, caps never changed with 3.1 and up. The version you've been told should 
match something like:

xen_major              : 3
xen_minor              : 2
xen_extra              : .1

If it is indeed 3.2.1, 32-on-64 should work fine.

> I cannot use bridging mode, therefore I use NAT, I should have
> mentioned that earlier, sorry about that.
> The ifconfig output for a working VM is as expected: eth0 ...
>, for the second VM I can't know as it doesn't work.

That's good. I guess NAT accounts for the vifs having ips, but then shouldn't 
your 2nd vm's gateway be, not .128?

Your private email to Ray (that he cc-ed to the list) mentions your kernel 
release is Curious - makes me think your Debian provider is using a 
Fedora kernel, as well as having updated to Xen 3.2.1. (Not relevant, just 
curious :-)

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