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Re: [Xen-users] Network nightmare. Is NAT better than bridge for DomU to DomU?

Something to add... I just noticed when the traffic is going from DomU to Dom0/U the ST percentage on top goes to 50%.  Only happens for DomU to Dom0/U traffic.   What's ST?  Is it interrupt related?


G. Michael Carter wrote:
I'm having lots of fun with my xen machine...

I've done all the tips I can find with sysctl and txqueuelen.   External machine to Xen Dom0 is about 40-50MB/s and to DomU's anywhere between 10-40MB/s 
But DomU to DomU is being a real pain.   Most times I only get 6MB/s.  One thing I've noticed (I think) is when my webserver domU talks to my db domU speeds start fluctuating really bad and the network traffic is rather small.  virt-top will report 60MB/s transmition on the vir interfaces even though the file is only transferring at 2MB/s

I was wondering if I set up a local virtual network would it be faster than the bridge from DomU <-> DomU network?    Any one have any tips other than what I've found about sysctl and txqueuelen?


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G. Michael Carter
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