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RE: [Xen-users] xen problem

Tnx, I will do it Monday cause I still do not want to risk. From xend logfile I 
tried to compare what my colleague did with what I did and from logfile the 
difference I see is this :

[['uname', 'phy:/dev/mapper/rootvg-lintratest02']
['uname', 'tap:aio:/dev/mapper/rootvg-secure_build']

Basically for him, the installer tried to install on a phy: device and for me a 
tap:aio file. I wonder why, how does XEN determines which to use. I specified 
the --file=/dev/mapper/rootvg-secure_build which is a volume that I created 

Tnx for your help

-----Original Message-----
From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gerhard Spiegl
Sent: Friday 27 June 2008 18:53
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] xen problem

Hi Konrad,

try "service xend restart", other VMs just keep running when xend restarts,
they just can't be controlled by xm command while xend is not running.


AZZOPARDI Konrad wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am relatively new to XEN. I have RHEL 5.1. I was creating a new
> virtual machine over kickstart and somehow it was not working as I
> expected so I just pressed <CTRL+]>. From that moment on an
> xm list
> Error: Device 51712 not connected
> My instict told me to xm destroy {VM_NAME}  but this still did not solve
> problem. Is there something I can do without interfering with the other
> VMs that are still running well ?
> Many thanks
> Konrad
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