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Re: [Xen-users] Installing XEN on Debian Lenny/Sid x64

Yes, it is working fine for me.

Just install lenny, install the xen stuff, add etch to your sources.list and 
use the kernel from stable. This should get the dom0 up and running. 

For the domu's, you can use the xen kernels from lenny.

I have 32 bit windows domu's running fine on my x86_64 debian.

Kindest regards,


On Wednesday 20 August 2008 04:34:03 Simon Gottschlag wrote:
> Hello everybody! I'm quite curious if someone have made Xen work with Debian
> Lenny/Sid x64 and maybe even gotten xen-vserver to work?
> I would like to get a new kernel working on my x64 machine with xen 3.2.1
> but what I've tried with Lenny/Sid haven't worked (from respetories).
> If someone gotten it working, does ioemu also work?
> Maybe someone got a guide? Please link if so.
> Thanks! =)
> - Simon

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