[2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:137) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'domid': 5, 'paused': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 0L, 'shutdown': 0, 'mem_kb': 0L, 'handle': [141, 255, 215, 69, 169, 237, 248, 63, 158, 93, 146, 202, 156, 248, 181, 214], 'blocked': 0}) [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:420) Unable to recreate domain Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 418, in _refreshTxn new_dom = XendDomainInfo.recreate(dom, False) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py", line 141, in recreate xeninfo = XendConfig.XendConfig(dominfo = info) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 319, in __init__ self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 481, in _dominfo_to_xapi self._memory_sanity_check() File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 407, in _memory_sanity_check raise XendConfigError("memory_dynamic_max must be greater " \ XendConfigError: Invalid Configuration: memory_dynamic_max must be greater than zero [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:427) Hard destruction of domain failed: 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 423, in _refreshTxn do_FLR(domid) NameError: global name 'do_FLR' is not defined [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:89) XendDomainInfo.create(['vm', ['name', 'stubwin'], ['memory', 512], ['vcpus', 1], ['on_xend_start', 'ignore'], ['on_xend_stop', 'ignore'], ['image', ['hvm', ['kernel', '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader'], ['device_model', '/usr/lib/xen/bin/stubdom-dm'], ['pae', 1], ['vcpus', 1], ['boot', 'c'], ['fda', ''], ['fdb', ''], ['timer_mode', 0], ['localtime', 0], ['serial', ''], ['stdvga', 0], ['isa', 0], ['nographic', 0], ['soundhw', ''], ['vnc', 0], ['vncunused', 1], ['sdl', 0], ['display', ':0.0'], ['xauthority', '/tmp/.gdmNHIIHU'], ['rtc_timeoffset', '0'], ['monitor', 0], ['acpi', 1], ['apic', 1], ['usb', 0], ['usbdevice', ''], ['keymap', ''], ['pci', []], ['hpet', 0], ['guest_os_type', 'default'], ['hap', 1], ['opengl', 0], ['cpuid', []], ['cpuid_check', []]]], ['device', ['vif', ['bridge', 'testbr'], ['type', 'ioemu']]]]) [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) XendDomainInfo.constructDomain [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 1904824 KiB free; need 2048; done. [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (XendDomain:449) Adding Domain: 19 [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2156) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 19 256 [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: boot, val: c [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: fda, val: None [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: fdb, val: None [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: soundhw, val: None [2008-09-14 14:31:13 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: localtime, val: 0 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: serial, val: None [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: std-vga, val: 0 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: isa, val: 0 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: acpi, val: 1 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: usb, val: 0 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:744) args: usbdevice, val: None [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2237) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, memory_static_max=0x20000000, memory_static_min=0x0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 1903540 KiB free; need 539648; done. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (image:166) buildDomain os=hvm dom=19 vcpus=1 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:796) domid = 19 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:797) image = /usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:798) store_evtchn = 2 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:799) memsize = 512 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:800) vcpus = 1 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:801) acpi = 1 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:802) apic = 1 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1922) createDevice: vif : {'bridge': 'testbr', 'mac': '00:16:3e:6d:6f:69', 'type': 'ioemu', 'uuid': 'e78a8a7a-d58e-aa8a-ae5a-92de3cac2dda'} [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/19/0'} to /local/domain/19/device/vif/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'testbr', 'domain': 'stubwin', 'handle': '0', 'uuid': 'e78a8a7a-d58e-aa8a-ae5a-92de3cac2dda', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'mac': '00:16:3e:6d:6f:69', 'frontend-id': '19', 'state': '1', 'online': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/19/device/vif/0', 'type': 'ioemu'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/19/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (image:375) spawning device models: /usr/lib/xen/bin/stubdom-dm ['/usr/lib/xen/bin/stubdom-dm', '-d', '19', '-domain-name', 'stubwin', '-nographic', '-vcpus', '1', '-boot', 'c', '-acpi', '-net', 'nic,vlan=1,macaddr=00:16:3e:6d:6f:69,model=rtl8139', '-net', 'tap,vlan=1,ifname=tap19.0,bridge=testbr', '-M', 'xenfv'] [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (image:422) device model pid: 3292 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (image:511) waiting for sentinel_fifo [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2741) Storing VM details: {'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'shadow_memory': '5', 'uuid': '1a585859-6fc5-42cc-31d6-5600c629377a', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1221417074.22', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'image': '(hvm (kernel ) (hpet 0) (stdvga 0) (loader /usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader) (vncunused 1) (opengl 0) (boot c) (rtc_timeoffset 0) (pci ()) (pae 1) (hap 1) (acpi 1) (localtime 0) (timer_mode 0) (vnc 0) (nographic 0) (guest_os_type default) (apic 1) (sdl 0) (monitor 0) (device_model /usr/lib/xen/bin/stubdom-dm) (usb 0) (xauthority /tmp/.gdmNHIIHU) (isa 0) (display :0.0) (notes (SUSPEND_CANCEL 1)))', 'name': 'stubwin'} [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1381) Storing domain details: {'console/port': '3', 'name': 'stubwin', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'store/port': '2', 'vm': '/vm/1a585859-6fc5-42cc-31d6-5600c629377a', 'domid': '19', 'image/suspend-cancel': '1', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '524288', 'control/platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend': '1', 'store/ring-ref': '131069', 'console/type': 'ioemu'} [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:137) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'domid': 5, 'paused': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 0L, 'shutdown': 0, 'mem_kb': 0L, 'handle': [141, 255, 215, 69, 169, 237, 248, 63, 158, 93, 146, 202, 156, 248, 181, 214], 'blocked': 0}) [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:420) Unable to recreate domain Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 418, in _refreshTxn new_dom = XendDomainInfo.recreate(dom, False) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py", line 141, in recreate xeninfo = XendConfig.XendConfig(dominfo = info) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 319, in __init__ self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 481, in _dominfo_to_xapi self._memory_sanity_check() File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 407, in _memory_sanity_check raise XendConfigError("memory_dynamic_max must be greater " \ XendConfigError: Invalid Configuration: memory_dynamic_max must be greater than zero [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:427) Hard destruction of domain failed: 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 423, in _refreshTxn do_FLR(domid) NameError: global name 'do_FLR' is not defined [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/console/19/0'} to /local/domain/19/device/console/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'domain': 'stubwin', 'frontend': '/local/domain/19/device/console/0', 'uuid': 'c38a3819-1ef5-a79f-083b-b2a7b40b02ab', 'frontend-id': '19', 'state': '1', 'location': '3', 'online': '1', 'protocol': 'vt100'} to /local/domain/0/backend/console/19/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1465) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:137) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'domid': 5, 'paused': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 0L, 'shutdown': 0, 'mem_kb': 0L, 'handle': [141, 255, 215, 69, 169, 237, 248, 63, 158, 93, 146, 202, 156, 248, 181, 214], 'blocked': 0}) [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:420) Unable to recreate domain Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 418, in _refreshTxn new_dom = XendDomainInfo.recreate(dom, False) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py", line 141, in recreate xeninfo = XendConfig.XendConfig(dominfo = info) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 319, in __init__ self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 481, in _dominfo_to_xapi self._memory_sanity_check() File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 407, in _memory_sanity_check raise XendConfigError("memory_dynamic_max must be greater " \ XendConfigError: Invalid Configuration: memory_dynamic_max must be greater than zero [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:427) Hard destruction of domain failed: 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 423, in _refreshTxn do_FLR(domid) NameError: global name 'do_FLR' is not defined [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:137) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'domid': 5, 'paused': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 0L, 'shutdown': 0, 'mem_kb': 0L, 'handle': [141, 255, 215, 69, 169, 237, 248, 63, 158, 93, 146, 202, 156, 248, 181, 214], 'blocked': 0}) [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:420) Unable to recreate domain Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 418, in _refreshTxn new_dom = XendDomainInfo.recreate(dom, False) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py", line 141, in recreate xeninfo = XendConfig.XendConfig(dominfo = info) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 319, in __init__ self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 481, in _dominfo_to_xapi self._memory_sanity_check() File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 407, in _memory_sanity_check raise XendConfigError("memory_dynamic_max must be greater " \ XendConfigError: Invalid Configuration: memory_dynamic_max must be greater than zero [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:427) Hard destruction of domain failed: 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 423, in _refreshTxn do_FLR(domid) NameError: global name 'do_FLR' is not defined [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vif. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:637) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/19/0/hotplug-status. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:651) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vscsi. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vbd. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices irq. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vfb. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices console. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices pci. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices ioports. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices tap. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (XendDomain:1174) Domain stubwin (19) unpaused. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:137) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'domid': 5, 'paused': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 0L, 'shutdown': 0, 'mem_kb': 0L, 'handle': [141, 255, 215, 69, 169, 237, 248, 63, 158, 93, 146, 202, 156, 248, 181, 214], 'blocked': 0}) [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:420) Unable to recreate domain Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 418, in _refreshTxn new_dom = XendDomainInfo.recreate(dom, False) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py", line 141, in recreate xeninfo = XendConfig.XendConfig(dominfo = info) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 319, in __init__ self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 481, in _dominfo_to_xapi self._memory_sanity_check() File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 407, in _memory_sanity_check raise XendConfigError("memory_dynamic_max must be greater " \ XendConfigError: Invalid Configuration: memory_dynamic_max must be greater than zero [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:427) Hard destruction of domain failed: 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 423, in _refreshTxn do_FLR(domid) NameError: global name 'do_FLR' is not defined [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:89) XendDomainInfo.create(['vm', ['name', 'stubwin-dm'], ['memory', 32], ['on_crash', 'preserve'], ['vcpus', 1], ['on_xend_start', 'ignore'], ['on_xend_stop', 'ignore'], ['target', 19], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/usr/lib/xen/boot/ioemu-stubdom.gz'], ['args', ' -d 19']]], ['device', ['vif']], ['device', ['vif', ['bridge', 'testbr'], ['type', 'ioemu']]], ['device', ['vkbd']], ['device', ['vfb', ['type', 'sdl'], ['display', ':0.0'], ['xauthority', '/tmp/.gdmNHIIHU']]]]) [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) XendDomainInfo.constructDomain [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 1375256 KiB free; need 2048; done. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomain:449) Adding Domain: 20 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2156) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 20 256 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2237) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, memory_static_max=0x2000000, memory_static_min=0x0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 1375256 KiB free; need 33792; done. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (image:166) buildDomain os=linux dom=20 vcpus=1 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:631) domid = 20 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:632) memsize = 32 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:633) image = /usr/lib/xen/boot/ioemu-stubdom.gz [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:634) store_evtchn = 1 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:635) console_evtchn = 2 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:636) cmdline = -d 19 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:637) ramdisk = [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:638) vcpus = 1 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:639) features = [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (image:640) flags = 0 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1922) createDevice: vkbd : {'uuid': '06036740-c1c2-a1fc-d6a7-baf293acbe7e'} [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vkbd/20/0'} to /local/domain/20/device/vkbd/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'frontend-id': '20', 'domain': 'stubwin-dm', 'frontend': '/local/domain/20/device/vkbd/0', 'state': '1', 'online': '1'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vkbd/20/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1922) createDevice: vfb : {'xauthority': '/tmp/.gdmNHIIHU', 'other_config': {'type': 'sdl', 'display': ':0.0', 'xauthority': '/tmp/.gdmNHIIHU'}, 'type': 'sdl', 'uuid': '9689c510-e9ef-2ce6-0c23-f4f61a3fdcf0', 'display': ':0.0'} [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vfb/20/0'} to /local/domain/20/device/vfb/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'domain': 'stubwin-dm', 'frontend': '/local/domain/20/device/vfb/0', 'uuid': '9689c510-e9ef-2ce6-0c23-f4f61a3fdcf0', 'state': '1', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '20', 'type': 'sdl', 'display': ':0.0', 'xauthority': '/tmp/.gdmNHIIHU'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vfb/20/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1922) createDevice: vif : {'mac': '00:16:3e:26:d6:f2', 'uuid': '941bc6ec-3e4e-9a6b-3d72-5dcecfa243b6'} [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:26:d6:f2', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/20/0'} to /local/domain/20/device/vif/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'domain': 'stubwin-dm', 'frontend': '/local/domain/20/device/vif/0', 'uuid': '941bc6ec-3e4e-9a6b-3d72-5dcecfa243b6', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'mac': '00:16:3e:26:d6:f2', 'frontend-id': '20', 'state': '1', 'online': '1', 'handle': '0'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/20/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1922) createDevice: vif : {'bridge': 'testbr', 'mac': '00:16:3e:61:fa:5a', 'type': 'ioemu', 'uuid': '28bd7251-76ba-98a8-1cf3-d15372065154'} [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/20/1'} to /local/domain/20/device/vif/1. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'testbr', 'domain': 'stubwin-dm', 'handle': '1', 'uuid': '28bd7251-76ba-98a8-1cf3-d15372065154', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'mac': '00:16:3e:61:fa:5a', 'frontend-id': '20', 'state': '1', 'online': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/20/device/vif/1', 'type': 'ioemu'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/20/1. [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (image:375) spawning device models: /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm ['/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm', '-d', '20', '-domain-name', 'stubwin-dm', '-serial', 'pty', '-M', 'xenpv'] [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (image:422) device model pid: 3378 [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] INFO (image:511) waiting for sentinel_fifo [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2741) Storing VM details: {'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '27af4ae3-3035-5929-64aa-bf6dc46d88ad', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1221417074.97', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'on_crash': 'preserve', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'image': "(linux (kernel /usr/lib/xen/boot/ioemu-stubdom.gz) (args ' -d 19') (device_model /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm) (notes))", 'name': 'stubwin-dm'} [2008-09-14 14:31:14 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1381) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '822478', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'stubwin-dm', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/27af4ae3-3035-5929-64aa-bf6dc46d88ad', 'domid': '20', 'store/port': '1', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '32768', 'control/platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend': '1', 'store/ring-ref': '822479', 'console/type': 'ioemu'} [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:137) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'domid': 5, 'paused': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 0L, 'shutdown': 0, 'mem_kb': 0L, 'handle': [141, 255, 215, 69, 169, 237, 248, 63, 158, 93, 146, 202, 156, 248, 181, 214], 'blocked': 0}) [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:420) Unable to recreate domain Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 418, in _refreshTxn new_dom = XendDomainInfo.recreate(dom, False) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py", line 141, in recreate xeninfo = XendConfig.XendConfig(dominfo = info) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 319, in __init__ self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 481, in _dominfo_to_xapi self._memory_sanity_check() File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 407, in _memory_sanity_check raise XendConfigError("memory_dynamic_max must be greater " \ XendConfigError: Invalid Configuration: memory_dynamic_max must be greater than zero [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:427) Hard destruction of domain failed: 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 423, in _refreshTxn do_FLR(domid) NameError: global name 'do_FLR' is not defined [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/console/20/0'} to /local/domain/20/device/console/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'domain': 'stubwin-dm', 'frontend': '/local/domain/20/device/console/0', 'uuid': 'bfe23a2b-60bb-900c-e7a9-cd6e9f28cea2', 'frontend-id': '20', 'state': '1', 'location': '2', 'online': '1', 'protocol': 'vt100'} to /local/domain/0/backend/console/20/0. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:137) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'domid': 5, 'paused': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 0L, 'shutdown': 0, 'mem_kb': 0L, 'handle': [141, 255, 215, 69, 169, 237, 248, 63, 158, 93, 146, 202, 156, 248, 181, 214], 'blocked': 0}) [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:420) Unable to recreate domain Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 418, in _refreshTxn new_dom = XendDomainInfo.recreate(dom, False) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py", line 141, in recreate xeninfo = XendConfig.XendConfig(dominfo = info) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 319, in __init__ self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 481, in _dominfo_to_xapi self._memory_sanity_check() File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 407, in _memory_sanity_check raise XendConfigError("memory_dynamic_max must be greater " \ XendConfigError: Invalid Configuration: memory_dynamic_max must be greater than zero [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:427) Hard destruction of domain failed: 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 423, in _refreshTxn do_FLR(domid) NameError: global name 'do_FLR' is not defined [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1465) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:137) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'domid': 5, 'paused': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 0L, 'shutdown': 0, 'mem_kb': 0L, 'handle': [141, 255, 215, 69, 169, 237, 248, 63, 158, 93, 146, 202, 156, 248, 181, 214], 'blocked': 0}) [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:420) Unable to recreate domain Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 418, in _refreshTxn new_dom = XendDomainInfo.recreate(dom, False) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py", line 141, in recreate xeninfo = XendConfig.XendConfig(dominfo = info) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 319, in __init__ self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 481, in _dominfo_to_xapi self._memory_sanity_check() File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 407, in _memory_sanity_check raise XendConfigError("memory_dynamic_max must be greater " \ XendConfigError: Invalid Configuration: memory_dynamic_max must be greater than zero [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:427) Hard destruction of domain failed: 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 423, in _refreshTxn do_FLR(domid) NameError: global name 'do_FLR' is not defined [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vif. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 0. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:637) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/20/0/hotplug-status. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:651) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 1. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:637) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/20/1/hotplug-status. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:637) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/20/1/hotplug-status. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:651) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vscsi. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vbd. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices irq. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vfb. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices console. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 0. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices pci. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices ioports. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices tap. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] INFO (XendDomain:1174) Domain stubwin-dm (20) unpaused. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:137) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'domid': 5, 'paused': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 0L, 'shutdown': 0, 'mem_kb': 0L, 'handle': [141, 255, 215, 69, 169, 237, 248, 63, 158, 93, 146, 202, 156, 248, 181, 214], 'blocked': 0}) [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:420) Unable to recreate domain Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 418, in _refreshTxn new_dom = XendDomainInfo.recreate(dom, False) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py", line 141, in recreate xeninfo = XendConfig.XendConfig(dominfo = info) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 319, in __init__ self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 481, in _dominfo_to_xapi self._memory_sanity_check() File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 407, in _memory_sanity_check raise XendConfigError("memory_dynamic_max must be greater " \ XendConfigError: Invalid Configuration: memory_dynamic_max must be greater than zero [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:427) Hard destruction of domain failed: 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 423, in _refreshTxn do_FLR(domid) NameError: global name 'do_FLR' is not defined [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1639) Domain has crashed: name=stubwin-dm id=20. [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1850) Preserving dead domain stubwin-dm (20). [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:137) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'domid': 5, 'paused': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 0L, 'shutdown': 0, 'mem_kb': 0L, 'handle': [141, 255, 215, 69, 169, 237, 248, 63, 158, 93, 146, 202, 156, 248, 181, 214], 'blocked': 0}) [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:420) Unable to recreate domain Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 418, in _refreshTxn new_dom = XendDomainInfo.recreate(dom, False) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py", line 141, in recreate xeninfo = XendConfig.XendConfig(dominfo = info) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 319, in __init__ self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True) File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 481, in _dominfo_to_xapi self._memory_sanity_check() File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py", line 407, in _memory_sanity_check raise XendConfigError("memory_dynamic_max must be greater " \ XendConfigError: Invalid Configuration: memory_dynamic_max must be greater than zero [2008-09-14 14:31:15 3656] ERROR (XendDomain:427) Hard destruction of domain failed: 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "//usr/lib/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 423, in _refreshTxn do_FLR(domid) NameError: global name 'do_FLR' is not defined [2008-09-14 14:31:29 3656] WARNING (image:472) domain stubwin: device model failure: no longer running; see /var/log/xen/qemu-dm-stubwin.log