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[Xen-users] Re: NTP on fully virtualized domUs

Peter Mueller wrote:
> Hi James,
> first you have to run ntpd in Dom0 and let him sync to some
> timeservers on the web. This ntpd can sync the hardware clock, which
> your DomUs are not allowed to do. They have to sync with your Dom0. It
> shouldn't be necessary to install another ntpd in your DomUs. If it's
> not getting better, install ntpd in your DomUs and let him sync to
> your Dom0.
> Kind Regards
> Peter Mueller

Hi Peter,

OK - I have been running ntpd in Dom0 and it is keeping the time on the
Dom0 machine correct.  That is certainly not a problem.

However, my DomUs do not have the correct time (one of my DomUs had the
same time as the Dom0 24 hours ago, but its time is now off by about an
hour relative to both the Dom0 and the correct time).

I have tried running ntpd on the DomUs in the past and that did not work
for me either.  One other person who was having the same problem as me,
with whom I have corresponded by email, told me she ended up setting up
a cron job which did an ntpdate - to reset the time - every 15 minutes.

That seems a bit heavy handed, but I suspect that I will end up having
to do the same thing.


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