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[Xen-users] Device model failure: no longer running with HVM-Guest


I'm using the xen-3.4-unstable version with Debian Lenny.
Next to that I use a HVM Guest.

The error message from the Xend.log is:
2009-02-26 14:44:15 2325] INFO (XendDomain:1180) Domain ExampleHVMDomain (35) unpaused. [2009-02-26 14:44:15 2325] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1781) Domain has shutdown: name=ExampleHVMDomain id=35 reason=poweroff. [2009-02-26 14:44:15 2325] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2570) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=35 [2009-02-26 14:44:15 2325] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2086) Destroying device model [2009-02-26 14:44:15 2325] WARNING (image:482) domain ExampleHVMDomain: device model failure: no longer running; see /var/ log/xen/qemu-dm-ExampleHVMDomain.log
[2009-02-26 14:44:15 2325] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2093) Releasing devices

What about the entry that the Device model has a problem.
Here the qemu-log:
domid: 35
qemu: the number of cpus is 1
config qemu network with xen bridge for  tap35.0 xenbr0
Watching /local/domain/0/device-model/35/logdirty/next-active
Watching /local/domain/0/device-model/35/command
xs_read(): vncpasswd get error. /vm/bfdcfd82-4ccc- c764-0a75-936f7ab9ca66/vncpasswd.
char device redirected to /dev/pts/3
qemu_map_cache_init nr_buckets = 10000 size 3145728
shared page at pfn feffd
buffered io page at pfn feffb
Guest uuid = bfdcfd82-4ccc-c764-0a75-936f7ab9ca66
Time offset set 0
populating video RAM at ff000000
mapping video RAM from ff000000
Register xen platform.
Done register platform.
xs_read(/local/domain/0/device-model/35/xen_extended_power_mgmt): read error
I/O request not ready: 0, ptr: 0, port: 0, data: 0, count: 0, size: 0
cirrus vga map change while on lfb mode
mapping vram to f0000000 - f0400000

It says something with xen_extended_power_mgmt

Who can help me ?


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