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[Xen-users] blktapctrl.c : CTLMSG_NEWDEV_FAIL


I've been trying to get Xen 3.4 (Ubuntu packages, Hardy 2.6.24 Dom0, Jaunty 
DomU) to work with tap:aio. For some reason the guest will boot just fine 
sometimes, but other times it complains about not finding the root device, and 
throws me into busybox. When I checked /dev, it lacked sda1, xvda1 and disk.
(As a side note, I tried using Xen 3.3 too, but for some reason xen throws error 
"Function not implemented" when trying to start the image).

I've checked /var/log/daemon.log and found these disturbing lines:

Jul 14 02:33:05 texasranger BLKTAPCTRL[4203]: blktapctrl.c:441: Received CTLMSG_IMG: 2048000, 512, 0 Jul 14 02:33:05 texasranger BLKTAPCTRL[4203]: blktapctrl_linux.c:56: Sent domid 5 and be_id 2049 Jul 14 02:33:05 texasranger BLKTAPCTRL[4203]: blktapctrl_linux.c:23: /dev/xen/blktap2 device already exists Jul 14 02:33:05 texasranger BLKTAPCTRL[4203]: blktapctrl_linux.c:75: Received device id 2 and major 254 Jul 14 02:33:05 texasranger BLKTAPCTRL[4203]: blktapctrl.c:725: Received a poll for a new devmap Jul 14 02:33:05 texasranger BLKTAPCTRL[4203]: blktapctrl.c:334: Write_msg called: CTLMSG_NEWDEV Jul 14 02:33:05 texasranger TAPDISK[7007]: tapdisk.c:389: Tapdisk: Received msg, len 20, type 4, UID 4 Jul 14 02:33:05 texasranger TAPDISK[7007]: tapdisk.c:447: Retrieving state, cookie 4.....[FAIL] Jul 14 02:33:05 texasranger BLKTAPCTRL[4203]: blktapctrl.c:457: Received CTLMSG_NEWDEV_FAIL Jul 14 02:33:05 texasranger BLKTAPCTRL[4203]: blktapctrl.c:732: Read_msg failed - CTLMSG_NEWDEV_RSP
For some reason tapdisk cannot retrieve state (whatever that means), so the 
device creation fails. I don't know if this is a bug, or if it is due to my 
configuration, but if someone in the know has any ideas, I would be most 

Thanks in advance!


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