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Re: [Xen-users] Time diferrence between dom0 and domU

Workaround: if it's PV domU, use RHEL/Centos5's kernel-xen (xen.org's
2.6.18 kernel may also work). I use it with both Redhat's version of
Xen and Xen 3.4.1, it doesn't have the problem.

Thanks for the advice Fajar, but my environment is:

xen05:~# uname -a && xm info
Linux xen05 2.6.18-6-xen-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 25 22:21:42 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux
host                   : xen05
release                : 2.6.18-6-xen-amd64
version                : #1 SMP Thu Dec 25 22:21:42 UTC 2008
machine                : x86_64
nr_cpus                : 8
nr_nodes               : 1
cores_per_socket       : 4
threads_per_core       : 1
cpu_mhz                : 1909
hw_caps : 178bf3ff:efd3fbff:00000000:00000110:00802001:00000000:000007ff
total_memory           : 8191
free_memory            : 1919
node_to_cpu            : node0:0-7
xen_major              : 3
xen_minor              : 2
xen_extra              : -1
xen_caps : xen-3.0-x86_64 xen-3.0-x86_32p hvm-3.0-x86_32 hvm-3.0-x86_32p hvm-3.0-x86_64
xen_scheduler          : credit
xen_pagesize           : 4096
platform_params        : virt_start=0xffff800000000000
xen_changeset          : unavailable
cc_compiler            : gcc version 4.3.1 (Debian 4.3.1-2)
cc_compile_by          : waldi
cc_compile_domain      : debian.org
cc_compile_date        : Sat Jun 28 09:32:18 UTC 2008
xend_config_format     : 4

And it's a production environment. I haven't the option that you comment. :(

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.

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