[2009-11-18 11:44:42 xend 3371] INFO (SrvDaemon:190) Xend stopped due to signal 15. [2009-11-18 11:46:31 xend 3374] INFO (SrvDaemon:283) Xend Daemon started [2009-11-18 11:46:31 xend 3374] INFO (SrvDaemon:287) Xend changeset: unavailable. [2009-11-18 11:46:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:228) XendDomainInfo.recreate({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 22319307904L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 3685068L, 'domid': 0, 'max_vcpu_id': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 1, 'maxmem_kb': 4294967292L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 2, 'handle': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'blocked': 0}) [2009-11-18 11:46:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] INFO (XendDomainInfo:240) Recreating domain 0, UUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. [2009-11-18 11:46:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:262) No vm path in store for existing domain 0 [2009-11-18 11:46:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'Domain-0', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '2', 'vcpu_avail': '3', 'memory': '3599', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'maxmem': '3599'} [2009-11-18 11:46:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '3685376', 'cpu/1/availability': 'online', 'name': 'Domain-0', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'domid': '0'} [2009-11-18 11:46:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (XendDomain:163) number of vcpus to use is 0 [2009-11-18 11:46:31 xend 3374] INFO (SrvServer:116) unix path=/var/lib/xend/xend-socket [2009-11-18 11:46:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['vm', ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['memory', 64], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['vcpus', 1], ['cpus', ''], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['device', ['tap', ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['dev', 'sda1'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['device', ['vif', ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]]]) [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['vm', ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['memory', 64], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['vcpus', 1], ['cpus', ''], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['device', ['tap', ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['dev', 'sda1'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['device', ['vif', ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]]] [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': None, 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': None, 'backend': [], 'uuid': None, 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': None, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': None, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': None, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('tap', ['tap', ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['dev', 'sda1'], ['mode', 'w']]), ('vif', ['vif', ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': None, 'shadow_memory': None, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 1 256 [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=1 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 1 [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:47:59 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/1/2049'} to /local/domain/1/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/1/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '1', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/1/2049. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0'} to /local/domain/1/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/1/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '1'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258562880.39', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '1', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/1/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:48:00 xend 3374] INFO (XendDomain:387) Domain myFirstDomU (1) unpaused. [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=1. [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=1 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 1 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 1 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 1], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26221076700000001], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.2919530869'], ['start_time', '1258562880.39'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 1], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26221076700000001], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.2919530869'], ['start_time', '1258562880.39'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258562880.3900001, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 2 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=2 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 2 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/2/0'} to /local/domain/2/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/2/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '2'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/2/0. [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/2/2049'} to /local/domain/2/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/2/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '2', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/2/2049. [2009-11-18 11:48:24 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258562904.98', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '2', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 1 [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/2/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/2/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/2/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:48:25 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=2. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=2 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 2 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 2 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 2], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26117296899999998], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3224701881'], ['start_time', '1258562904.98'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 2], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26117296899999998], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3224701881'], ['start_time', '1258562904.98'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258562904.98, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 3 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=3 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 3 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/3/0'} to /local/domain/3/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/3/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '3'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/3/0. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/3/2049'} to /local/domain/3/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/3/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '3', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/3/2049. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258562929.61', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '3', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 2 [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/3/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/3/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/3/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/3/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:48:49 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:49:13 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=3. [2009-11-18 11:49:13 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=3 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 3 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 3 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 3], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26250947800000002], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3658950329'], ['start_time', '1258562929.61'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 3], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26250947800000002], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3658950329'], ['start_time', '1258562929.61'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258562929.6099999, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 4 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=4 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 4 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/4/0'} to /local/domain/4/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/4/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '4'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/4/0. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/4/2049'} to /local/domain/4/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/4/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '4', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/4/2049. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258562954.28', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '4', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 3 [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/4/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/4/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/4/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/4/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:49:14 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=4. [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=4 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 4 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 4 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 4], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26379589799999997], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.313117981'], ['start_time', '1258562954.28'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 4], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26379589799999997], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.313117981'], ['start_time', '1258562954.28'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258562954.28, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 5 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=5 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 5 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/5/0'} to /local/domain/5/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/5/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '5'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/5/0. [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/5/2049'} to /local/domain/5/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/5/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '5', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/5/2049. [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258562978.9', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '5', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:49:38 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 4 [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/5/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/5/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/5/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:49:39 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=5. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=5 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 5 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 5 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 5], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26463892700000002], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3827879429'], ['start_time', '1258562978.9'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 5], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26463892700000002], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3827879429'], ['start_time', '1258562978.9'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258562978.9000001, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 6 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=6 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 6 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/6/0'} to /local/domain/6/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/6/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '6'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/6/0. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/6/2049'} to /local/domain/6/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/6/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '6', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/6/2049. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258563003.61', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '6', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 5 [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/6/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/6/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:50:03 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:50:04 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:50:04 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:50:04 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:50:04 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:50:04 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:50:04 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/6/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:50:04 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:50:04 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:50:27 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=6. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=6 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 6 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 6 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 6], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26278070199999998], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3879799843'], ['start_time', '1258563003.61'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 6], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26278070199999998], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3879799843'], ['start_time', '1258563003.61'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258563003.6099999, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 7 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=7 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 7 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/7/0'} to /local/domain/7/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/7/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '7'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/7/0. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/7/2049'} to /local/domain/7/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/7/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '7', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/7/2049. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258563028.32', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '7', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 6 [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/7/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/7/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/7/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:50:28 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=7. [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=7 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 7 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 7 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 7], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26261717899999998], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3201971054'], ['start_time', '1258563028.32'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 7], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26261717899999998], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3201971054'], ['start_time', '1258563028.32'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258563028.3199999, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 8 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=8 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 8 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0'} to /local/domain/8/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/8/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '8'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0. [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/8/2049'} to /local/domain/8/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/8/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '8', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/8/2049. [2009-11-18 11:50:52 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258563052.95', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '8', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 7 [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/8/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/8/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:50:53 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=8. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=8 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 8 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 8 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 8], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.262066089], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3885068893'], ['start_time', '1258563052.95'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 8], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.262066089], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3885068893'], ['start_time', '1258563052.95'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258563052.95, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 9 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=9 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 9 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/9/0'} to /local/domain/9/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/9/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '9'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/9/0. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/9/2049'} to /local/domain/9/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/9/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '9', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/9/2049. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258563077.65', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '9', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 8 [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/9/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/9/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/9/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/9/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:51:17 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:51:41 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=9. [2009-11-18 11:51:41 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=9 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 9 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 9 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 9], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26434647700000002], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.2952029705'], ['start_time', '1258563077.65'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 9], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26434647700000002], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.2952029705'], ['start_time', '1258563077.65'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258563077.6500001, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 10 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=10 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 10 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/10/0'} to /local/domain/10/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/10/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '10'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/10/0. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/10/2049'} to /local/domain/10/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/10/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '10', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/10/2049. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258563102.27', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '10', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 9 [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/10/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/10/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/10/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:51:42 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=10. [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=10 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 10 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 10 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 10], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.240655966], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.4115021229'], ['start_time', '1258563102.27'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 10], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.240655966], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.4115021229'], ['start_time', '1258563102.27'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258563102.27, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 11 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=11 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 11 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/11/0'} to /local/domain/11/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/11/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '11'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/11/0. [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/11/2049'} to /local/domain/11/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/11/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '11', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/11/2049. [2009-11-18 11:52:06 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258563126.99', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '11', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 10 [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/11/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/11/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/11/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/11/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:52:07 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=11. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=11 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 11 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 11 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 11], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.25982443999999999], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3122751713'], ['start_time', '1258563126.99'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 11], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.25982443999999999], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3122751713'], ['start_time', '1258563126.99'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258563126.99, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 12 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=12 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 12 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/12/0'} to /local/domain/12/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/12/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '12'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/12/0. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/12/2049'} to /local/domain/12/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/12/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '12', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/12/2049. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258563151.61', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '12', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 11 [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/12/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/12/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/12/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:52:31 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2009-11-18 11:52:55 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1175) Domain has crashed: name=myFirstDomU id=12. [2009-11-18 11:52:55 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2119) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=12 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 12 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: False [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 12 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2050) Releasing PVFB front-end devices (uuid not created)... [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:206) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain', ['domid', 12], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26284432699999999], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3580229282'], ['start_time', '1258563151.61'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]]) [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:328) parseConfig: config is ['domain', ['domid', 12], ['uuid', '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c'], ['vcpus', 1], ['vcpu_avail', 1], ['cpu_cap', 0], ['cpu_weight', 256], ['memory', 64], ['shadow_memory', 0], ['maxmem', 64], ['features', ''], ['name', 'myFirstDomU'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], ['on_reboot', 'restart'], ['on_crash', 'restart'], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']]], ['cpus', ''], ['device', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]], ['device', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['state', '----c-'], ['shutdown_reason', 'crash'], ['cpu_time', 0.26284432699999999], ['online_vcpus', 1], ['up_time', '24.3580229282'], ['start_time', '1258563151.61'], ['store_mfn', 1279494], ['console_mfn', 1279493]] [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:445) parseConfig: result is {'features': '', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', '/boot/vmlinuz-'], ['ramdisk', '/boot/initrd-'], ['ip', ':'], ['root', '/dev/sda1 ro'], ['args', '4']], 'cpus': '', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'backend': [], 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'cpu_weight': 256.0, 'memory': 64, 'cpu_cap': 0, 'localtime': None, 'timer_mode': None, 'start_time': 1258563151.6099999, 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'device': [('vif', ['vif', ['backend', 0], ['script', 'vif-bridge'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['mac', '00:16:3e:00:00:11']]), ('tap', ['tap', ['backend', 0], ['dev', 'sda1:disk'], ['uname', 'tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk'], ['mode', 'w']])], 'bootloader': None, 'maxmem': 64, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'bootloader_args': None, 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu': None} [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1771) XendDomainInfo.construct: None [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 4096; done. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1897) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 13 256.0 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1938) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, maxmem=0x40, memory=0x40. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (balloon:145) Balloon: 392908 KiB free; need 65536; done. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] INFO (image:139) buildDomain os=linux dom=13 vcpus=1 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:208) domid = 13 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:209) memsize = 64 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:210) image = /boot/vmlinuz- [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:211) store_evtchn = 1 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:212) console_evtchn = 2 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:213) cmdline = ip=: root=/dev/sda1 ro 4 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:214) ramdisk = /boot/initrd- [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:215) vcpus = 1 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (image:216) features = [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/13/0'} to /local/domain/13/device/vif/0. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/13/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:00:00:11', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '13'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/13/0. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:631) Checking for duplicate for uname: /media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk [tap:aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk], dev: sda1:disk, mode: w [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (blkif:27) exception looking up device number for sda1:disk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/sda1:disk' [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:114) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '2049', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/tap/13/2049'} to /local/domain/13/device/vbd/2049. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:116) DevController: writing {'domain': 'myFirstDomU', 'frontend': '/local/domain/13/device/vbd/2049', 'format': 'raw', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params': 'aio:/media/ubuntu/home/bjiang/domUdisks/vm1disk', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '13', 'type': 'tap'} to /local/domain/0/backend/tap/13/2049. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:990) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1258563176.29', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz- (ramdisk /boot/initrd- (ip : (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args 4))", 'maxmem': '64'} [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1025) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '1279493', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'myFirstDomU', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/550a83f8-994f-bae0-3db9-c0abed66595c', 'domid': '13', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref': '1279494', 'store/port': '1'} [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2045) UUID Created: True [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2046) Devices to release: [], domid = 12 [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2058) Releasing PVFB backend devices ... [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend.XendDomainInfo 3374] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1246) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vif. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 0. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/13/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/13/0/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices usb. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vbd. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices irq. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vfb. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices pci. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices ioports. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices tap. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:164) Waiting for 2049. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:509) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/tap/13/2049/hotplug-status. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:523) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2009-11-18 11:52:56 xend 3374] DEBUG (DevController:158) Waiting for devices vtpm.