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Re: [Xen-users] RHEL VMs in HyperV to Xen

Hi Edward,

Am Donnerstag, den 10.12.2009, 21:33 +0100 schrieb Edward Smith:
> Hello,
> I have several RHEL VMs running in the MS HyperV2, but now I need move
> them to Xen hypervisor.
> In the MS HyperV I have a vhd for each VM.
> In Xen hypervisor I want use a logical volume for each machine.
> So I need to convert images?
> There are any procedure that I can follow? because I'm not really
> familiarized with Xen.

This will work for you....

Shutdown ALL Services in the VMs on the HyperV-Box, like mysql and
whatever because of "opened Files" which could cause a FS-Error....

All Steps below are done on the dom0....

Create a LVol on the XEN-Box

  lvcreate -L 15G -n VM1-Disk $VG

Create a FS

  # mkfs.ext3 /dev/$VG/VM1-Disk

Mount the LVol in Dom0

  # mount /dev/$VG/VM1-Disk /mnt

Copy the entire /-FS from your Hyper-V-VM to the dom0

On the Dom0:

  # rsync -avzH --numeric-ids -e ssh root@OLD-IP:/* /mnt/

Create a xen-config for your new Host and boot it up....

> I appreciate any help,
> Thanks,



> Edward
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