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Re: [Xen-users] Memory problems persist... Cannot allocate memory

> For example "top", sort by memory usage by pressing shift+m.
> Or just the usual "ps aux" output.
> -- Pasi

Happy New Year!

This morning I went to look at the memory being used and box was locked
up requiring a hard reset. Thankfully everything came back up ok. Upon
reboot dom0 now has 2gb of RAM. So I started bringing up my domUs. 

After starting about half of them the available RAM was already used!!!
Having plenty of available RAM with 32gb total, I shut down the domU's
and bumped the RAM to 4gb to see what would happen. I now have all 15
domUs started, and it sucked up all available RAM, except for the 2gb of
swap, which is mostly free. 

The server runs in runlevel 3, but I do run a vncserver session because
I'm remote. Even so, the gnome session does not appear to be taking up
much memory. As a matter of fact, if I do a ps aux and add up the memory
column, it only comes out to a little over 8%, so I don't understand
what's happening. 

top now shows me:
top - 08:52:34 up 24 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.71, 1.46, 2.70
Tasks: 303 total,   1 running, 302 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.9%us,  0.8%sy,  0.0%ni, 92.4%id,  5.4%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.5%st
Mem:   4192768k total,  4154732k used,    38036k free,    78084k buffers
Swap:  2104472k total,      112k used,  2104360k free,  3565872k cached

My domU's are:
Name                  Mem    VCPUs
Domain-0             4094    16  
windows2k3           2048     2  
windows2k            1024     1  
sles10               2048     2  
sles10               1024     4  
sles10               2048     2  
windows2k3           1024     1  
windows2k3           2048     1  
sles10               1024     2  
win2k8               2048     4  
windows2k3           1536     1  
windows2k3            512     1  
windows2k3            512     1  
windows2k3            512     1  
windows2k3           1024     1  
windows2k3            512     1  

Any thoughts? 


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