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Re: [Xen-users] API calls not found

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 12:42:54PM +0100, Pierre-Philipp Braun wrote:
> Dear XEN users,
> I installed xen 3.4.2 from source on slackware64.  I'm using latest dom0  
> from git with the recommended kernel options  
> (http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenParavirtOps) without using pv_ops.  
>  When xend launches, I get those in the logs,
> [2010-01-24 12:14:18 3123] WARNING (XendAPI:701) API call:  
> VBD.set_device not found
> [2010-01-24 12:14:18 3123] WARNING (XendAPI:701) API call: VBD.set_type  
> not found
> [2010-01-24 12:14:18 3123] WARNING (XendAPI:701) API call:  
> session.get_all_records not found
> [2010-01-24 12:14:18 3123] WARNING (XendAPI:701) API call:  
> event.get_record not found
> [2010-01-24 12:14:18 3123] WARNING (XendAPI:701) API call: event.get_all  
> not found
> [2010-01-24 12:14:18 3123] WARNING (XendAPI:701) API call:  
> VIF.get_network not found
> [2010-01-24 12:14:18 3123] WARNING (XendAPI:701) API call:  
> VIF.set_device not found
> [2010-01-24 12:14:18 3123] WARNING (XendAPI:701) API call: VIF.set_MAC  
> not found
> [2010-01-24 12:14:18 3123] WARNING (XendAPI:701) API call: VIF.set_MTU  
> not found
> [2010-01-24 12:14:18 3123] WARNING (XendAPI:701) API call: debug.get_all  
> not found

I guess these are only WARNINGs.. not sure why they show up though.

> How to fix this?  Is that why eventhough I'm able to start a pv guest  
> (netbsd) and configure the vif it sees, network doesn't respond at all  
> inside it ? I use network-bridge on the dom0.
> Some additionnal info below.
> teillard# brctl show
> bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
> eth0            8000.90e6baa651c7       no              peth0
>                                                         vif2.0

This looks correct. The guest with ID 2 is bridged to the bridge called eth0.

> ps. isn't vif0.0 missing ?  network's fine on dom0 anyways.

Nope. Xen 3.3/3.4 changed to different default bridged network setup.
They create a bridge called 'eth0' and assign the dom0 IP to the bridge.

-- Pasi

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