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Re: [Xen-users] debian lenny 3.2.1 doesn't boot, livexen boots just fine

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 09:41:02AM -0500, Gabor Szilagyi wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Martin Kraus wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 05:34:59PM -0200, Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro 
> > wrote:
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> 1- Get the ISO of the Debian Lenny 5.0 amd64 from http://debian.org;
> >> 2- Install your Debian into your own partition scheme (LVM over RAID);
> >> 3- Reboot into your new fresh Debian Lenny; upgrade it;
> >> 4- * GRUB1 is still the default in Lenny, verify it;
> >> 5- Install the Xen with the command: "aptitude install
> >> xen-linux-system-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64";
> >> 6- Reboot into you new dom0.
> > 
> > Thanks for the effort but how does this solve the problem that xen doesn't
> > start? I'm already running virtual hosts on that machine and I can't rip
> > all of this apart just to get stuck with unbootable system again. 
> > 
> > What I need is to find out what the problem is and then start ripping stuff
> > apart. I've tried to compile xen myself, versions 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, hg tip, all
> > get stuck at some time during xen boot. Until I've tried the live cd, I
> > thought that it's some incompatibility with my hardware but since the live 
> > cd is
> > debian lenny on iso and it works fine, I have to look for the part that 
> > causes
> > xen to freeze.
> > 
> > Since there is only bios, grub and xen running in turn before the machine
> > gets stuck I'd say that the problem is in one of these systems.
> > 
> > I'll try to find out something about grub and then I'm going after kvm 
> > before
> > I decide to scratch the whole machine.
> Hi Martin,
> I am having the same problem ... ever since I installed grub2 I can not
> get xen to boot. I was told it is possible but yet to see someone
> writing it down how. Tried the "new" syntax, put dummy=dummy as first
> cmd line argument, even compiled the root=/... in the kernel nothing works.
> I just get Panic on CPU 0 ... and stuck dump.

Please see:

"Booting Xen with GRUB2 fails?"

> I can not use lenny.... the e1000e driver is broken and unfortuntely I
> have that chip on my board... (similar issue with 2.6.18 !!!)

Well you can update the driver! Grab the latest from intel's site..

> There is absolutely something with grub2 and xen combination (not hardware).

Yeah, grub developers changed stuff for grub2 that broke things. 

> Someone on this list suggested to try to capture all the boot up until
> crash, with serial console, which I am planning to do as soon as I get a
> serial cable (usb2serial)...

Remember you cannot use  USB serial adapter on the Xen server!! 
but you can use it on a laptop/desktop where you capture the boot messages.

Xen serial console tutorial:

> If you get this work please please post it !!! I will report if I make
> any headway.

Many people have gotten grub2+Xen to work for them.

For example:

-- Pasi

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