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Re: [Xen-users] Free XEN / DomU management software

Hi *

Really great.
A few questions more.

1 - Can xn-suite monitor Xen domU's hosted in different dom0's? What is it done?

Currently - no. But we are currently working on a xmlrpc and a centraliced management interface.
I think it is (stable) done within <2 month.

2 - I did not saw it written anywhere, but I guess that the xn-client should be installed in every dom0 hosting domU's, right?

The xn-client provides the mem- and performance-data to his dom0.
If you want to use the modules xn-mem and xn-mom, you have to install the xn-client to each domU.

3 - I'm getting the following error:
*ERROR:* Can't comunicate with xn-manage-daemon! Check if the daemon is alive!
[root@xxx ~]# ps -ef | grep xn-
root 24286 1 0 21:10 pts/1 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/xn-manage-daemon -c /etc/xncore/xn-manage.conf root 24295 1 0 21:10 pts/1 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/xn-mem-daemon -c /etc/xncore/xn-mem.conf root 24305 1 0 21:10 pts/1 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/xn-mon-daemon -c /etc/xncore/xn-mon.conf root 24315 1 0 21:10 pts/1 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/xn-traff-daemon -c /etc/xncore/xn-traff.conf
root     24794 24155  0 21:35 pts/1    00:00:00 grep xn-

Looks like a problem with the IPC, can you run "ipcs -q" and send me the output? Or it is a bug with domU names who are longer then 32 chars or including a dot. If it is so, update to the version 0.82.

Tot ziens,

- Best Regards
Michael Schmidt

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