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R: [Xen-users] [XCP] - problem with xen-tools

It is the normal installation of CentOS from cdrom. It has an LVM disk nad ax ext3 partition with boot.


This is the full log of all bootup action.




Da: David Markey [mailto:admin@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Inviato: venerdì 23 aprile 2010 11:43
A: cluster@xxxxxxxx
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oggetto: Re: [Xen-users] [XCP] - problem with xen-tools


You need to supply before that point, search for `pygrub` in the logs.


Also, Is the disk you set as bootable have /boot on it?

On 23 April 2010 10:39, <cluster@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Filesystem is ext3.


You can see part of the log in the attached file.


Thanks again for your help.




Da: David Markey [mailto:admin@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Inviato: venerdì 23 aprile 2010 11:23

A: cluster@xxxxxxxx
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oggetto: Re: [Xen-users] [XCP] - problem with xen-tools


Look in xensource.log for when pygrub is being spawned.


It should give an error/backtrace after that.


Also, what file system is in the guest?

On 23 April 2010 10:16, <cluster@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for your help.


This is what i get:


[root@xcp1 ~]# xe vm-param-set uuid=ab297933-b676-631c-46ed-1bafd3d9f351 HVM-boot-policy="" PV-bootloader=pygrub

[root@xcp1 ~]# xe vm-start vm=new

The bootloader returned an error

vm: ab297933-b676-631c-46ed-1bafd3d9f351 (new)

msg: Error from bootloader: too many bootable disks (2 disks)

[root@xcp1 ~]# xe vbd-list vm-

vm-name-label=  vm-uuid=

[root@xcp1 ~]# xe vbd-list vm-name-label=new

uuid ( RO)             : 420d5ea2-e783-4aac-9839-b16fd8f3da9d

          vm-uuid ( RO): ab297933-b676-631c-46ed-1bafd3d9f351

    vm-name-label ( RO): new

         vdi-uuid ( RO): 57e606cb-e34b-4160-9b49-e982e7bba34e

            empty ( RO): false

           device ( RO): hda



uuid ( RO)             : aa2c9306-df61-3263-dad1-fcfaf997f64e

          vm-uuid ( RO): ab297933-b676-631c-46ed-1bafd3d9f351

    vm-name-label ( RO): new

         vdi-uuid ( RO): 744894b8-bb5f-4077-9d72-191177631812

            empty ( RO): false

           device ( RO): hdd



[root@xcp1 ~]# xe vbd-param-set uuid=aa2c9306-df61-3263-dad1-fcfaf997f64e bootable=false

[root@xcp1 ~]# xe vm-start vm=new

The bootloader returned an error

vm: ab297933-b676-631c-46ed-1bafd3d9f351 (new)

msg: Error from bootloader: Failed to parse the output of bootloader: ()


And this is my Vm param list:

[root@xcp1 ~]# xe vm-param-list uuid=ab297933-b676-631c-46ed-1bafd3d9f351

uuid ( RO)                          : ab297933-b676-631c-46ed-1bafd3d9f351

                    name-label ( RW): new

              name-description ( RW):

                  user-version ( RW): 1

                 is-a-template ( RW): false

                 is-a-snapshot ( RO): false

                   snapshot_of ( RO): <not in database>

                     snapshots ( RO):

                 snapshot_time ( RO): 19700101T00:00:00Z

                 snapshot-info ( RO):

                        parent ( RO): bcd53667-0f97-29dc-9a78-5d1dc67d0a82

                      children ( RO):

             is-control-domain ( RO): false

                   power-state ( RO): halted

                 memory-actual ( RO): 2147397632

                 memory-target ( RO): 0

               memory-overhead ( RO): 1048576

             memory-static-max ( RW): 2147483648

            memory-dynamic-max ( RW): 2147483648

            memory-dynamic-min ( RW): 1073741824

             memory-static-min ( RW): 536870912

              suspend-VDI-uuid ( RO): <not in database>

                  VCPUs-params (MRW):

                     VCPUs-max ( RW): 2

              VCPUs-at-startup ( RW): 2

        actions-after-shutdown ( RW): Destroy

          actions-after-reboot ( RW): Restart

           actions-after-crash ( RW): Restart

                 console-uuids (SRO):

                      platform (MRW): timeoffset: 8; nx: false; acpi: true; apic: true; pae: true; viridian: true

            allowed-operations (SRO): changing_dynamic_range; changing_static_range; make_into_template; destroy; export; start_on; start; create_template; clone; copy; snapshot

            current-operations (SRO):

            blocked-operations (MRW):

           allowed-VBD-devices (SRO): 1; 2; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15

           allowed-VIF-devices (SRO): 1; 3; 4; 5; 6

                possible-hosts ( RO): af40e351-c952-4b56-ac23-b3a92258a6c2; e6d273c4-74a0-456e-94bb-06bb7054f8ca

               HVM-boot-policy ( RW):

               HVM-boot-params (MRW): order: c

         HVM-shadow-multiplier ( RW): 1.000

                     PV-kernel ( RW):

                    PV-ramdisk ( RW):

                       PV-args ( RW): graphical utf8

                PV-legacy-args ( RW):

                 PV-bootloader ( RW): pygrub

            PV-bootloader-args ( RW):

           last-boot-CPU-flags ( RO):

              last-boot-record ( RO): '('struct' ('uuid' 'ab297933-b676-631c-46ed-1bafd3d9f351') ('allowed_operations' ('array')) ('current_operations' ('struct' ('OpaqueRef:11b23fcd-c615-300d-4dae-1a9562687d83' 'start'))) ('power_state' 'Halted') ('name_label' 'new') ('name_description' '') ('user_version' '1') ('is_a_template' ('boolean' '0')) ('suspend_VDI' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('resident_on' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('affinity' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('memory_overhead' '1048576') ('memory_target' '1073741824') ('memory_static_max' '2147483648') ('memory_dynamic_max' '2147483648') ('memory_dynamic_min' '1073741824') ('memory_static_min' '536870912') ('VCPUs_params' ('struct')) ('VCPUs_max' '2') ('VCPUs_at_startup' '2') ('actions_after_shutdown' 'destroy') ('actions_after_reboot' 'restart') ('actions_after_crash' 'restart') ('consoles' ('array')) ('VIFs' ('array' 'OpaqueRef:cbd77afd-e1cb-6879-9856-c2c85a0a839b' 'OpaqueRef:fbb522ea-809c-387f-74ad-5c7088d01417')) ('VBDs' ('array' 'OpaqueRef:d3052d48-8fc8-79ee-9feb-02469d1604e1' 'OpaqueRef:e886efb0-976c-45a4-00fc-00eb481aa8aa')) ('crash_dumps' ('array')) ('VTPMs' ('array')) ('PV_bootloader' 'pygrub') ('PV_kernel' '') ('PV_ramdisk' '') ('PV_args' 'graphical utf8') ('PV_bootloader_args' '') ('PV_legacy_args' '') ('HVM_boot_policy' '') ('HVM_boot_params' ('struct' ('order' 'c'))) ('HVM_shadow_multiplier' ('double' '1')) ('platform' ('struct' ('timeoffset' '8') ('nx' 'false') ('acpi' 'true') ('apic' 'true') ('pae' 'true') ('viridian' 'true'))) ('PCI_bus' '') ('other_config' ('struct' ('last_shutdown_time' '20100423T09:10:45Z') ('last_shutdown_action' 'Destroy') ('last_shutdown_initiator' 'internal') ('last_shutdown_reason' 'halted') ('install-repository' 'cdrom') ('mac_seed' '754aca05-418e-086d-9229-1fea3a7906b7') ('machine-address-size' '36') ('install-methods' 'cdrom,nfs,http,ftp') ('rhel5' 'true') ('default_template' 'false') ('linux_template' 'true') ('install-distro' 'rhlike'))) ('domid' '-1') ('domarch' 'hvm') ('last_boot_CPU_flags' ('struct')) ('is_control_domain' ('boolean' '0')) ('metrics' 'OpaqueRef:8df0699a-eef1-5a9f-9d99-4045009be620') ('guest_metrics' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('last_booted_record' '') ('recommendations' '<restrictions><restriction field=\"memory-static-max\" max=\"34359738368\" /><restriction field=\"vcpus-max\" max=\"8\" /><restriction property=\"number-of-vbds\" max=\"7\" /><restriction property=\"number-of-vifs\" max=\"7\" /></restrictions>') ('xenstore_data' ('struct')) ('ha_always_run' ('boolean' '0')) ('ha_restart_priority' '') ('is_a_snapshot' ('boolean' '0')) ('snapshot_of' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('snapshots' ('array')) ('snapshot_time' ('dateTime.iso8601' '19700101T00:00:00Z')) ('transportable_snapshot_id' '') ('blobs' ('struct')) ('tags' ('array')) ('blocked_operations' ('struct')) ('snapshot_info' ('struct')) ('snapshot_metadata' '') ('parent' 'OpaqueRef:28574710-0bd0-9911-437d-a6f9b713846f') ('children' ('array')) ('bios_strings' ('struct')))'

                   resident-on ( RO): <not in database>

                      affinity ( RW): <not in database>

                  other-config (MRW): last_shutdown_time: 20100423T09:10:45Z; last_shutdown_action: Destroy; last_shutdown_initiator: internal; last_shutdown_reason: halted; install-repository: cdrom; mac_seed: 754aca05-418e-086d-9229-1fea3a7906b7; machine-address-size: 36; install-methods: cdrom,nfs,http,ftp; rhel5: true; default_template: false; linux_template: true; install-distro: rhlike

                        dom-id ( RO): -1

               recommendations ( RO): <restrictions><restriction field="memory-static-max" max="34359738368" /><restriction field="vcpus-max" max="8" /><restriction property="number-of-vbds" max="7" /><restriction property="number-of-vifs" max="7" /></restrictions>

                 xenstore-data (MRW):

                 ha-always-run ( RW): false

           ha-restart-priority ( RW):

                         blobs ( RO):

                    start-time ( RO): 20100423T09:06:46Z

                  install-time ( RO): 20100422T14:39:01Z

                  VCPUs-number ( RO): 2

             VCPUs-utilisation (MRO):

                    os-version (MRO): <not in database>

            PV-drivers-version (MRO): <not in database>

         PV-drivers-up-to-date ( RO): <not in database>

                        memory (MRO): <not in database>

                         disks (MRO): <not in database>

                      networks (MRO): <not in database>

                         other (MRO): <not in database>

                          live ( RO): <not in database>

    guest-metrics-last-updated ( RO): <not in database>

                   cooperative ( RO): true


Any idea?


Thanks again.




Da: David Markey [mailto:admin@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Inviato: venerdì 23 aprile 2010 10:51
A: cluster@xxxxxxxx
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oggetto: Re: [Xen-users] [XCP] - problem with xen-tools


xe vm-param-set uuid=<vm uuid> HVM-boot-policy=”” PV-bootloader=pygrub


On 23 April 2010 09:43, <cluster@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi all,


after installing a CentOS via cdrom iso and after installing the xen-tools using Linux/install.sh script I get this error:



filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83

kernel /vmlinz-2.6.18-164.10.1.el5.xs0.1.1.64xen ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet


Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format


Press any key to continue…


Do you have any idea?


The script create this entry in grub menu.list:


title CentOS (2.6.18-164.10.1.el5.xs0.1.1.64xen)

        root (hd0,0)

        kernel /xen.gz-2.6.18-164.10.1.el5.xs0.1.1.64

        module /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.10.1.el5.xs0.1.1.64xen ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet

        module /initrd-2.6.18-164.10.1.el5.xs0.1.1.64xen.img


I corrected it with this:

title CentOS (2.6.18-164.10.1.el5.xs0.1.1.64xen)

        root (hd0,0)

        kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.10.1.el5.xs0.1.1.64xen ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet

        module /initrd-2.6.18-164.10.1.el5.xs0.1.1.64xen.img


And this is the only on that works:

title CentOS (2.6.18-164.el5)

        root (hd0,0)

        kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.el5 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet

        initrd /initrd-2.6.18-164.el5.img


Thanks and regards,

Francesco Gallo

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