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[Xen-users] Concurrent local write error in DRBD with GPL PV drivers

  • To: "xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Philippe Lang <philippe.lang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 10:32:42 +0200
  • Accept-language: fr-FR, fr-CH
  • Acceptlanguage: fr-FR, fr-CH
  • Delivery-date: Fri, 07 May 2010 01:34:16 -0700
  • List-id: Xen user discussion <xen-users.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: Acrtv9wwoN00PHR+Sui7TUIHmxXzzA==
  • Thread-topic: Concurrent local write error in DRBD with GPL PV drivers


We are about to start using in production Windows 2003 64bits XEN VMs running 
on top of a DRBD cluster. We have installed the latest GPL PV optimized 
drivers. (gplpv_2003x64_0.11.0.213.msi)

Sometimes, when the VM writes on disk, we can see the following error in the 
DRBD log:

May  6 17:45:48 s3 kernel: [198887.626841] drbd0: blkback.35.hda[3549] 
Concurrent local write detected! [DISCARD L] new: 26745079s +4096; pending: 
26745079s +4096

This error is discussed in the following thread of the DRBD mailing list:


Basically, it is due to the fact that a write occurs at a specific location, 
while another "in-flight" write is taking place at the same location. In order 
to avoid a cluster desynchronization, DRBD drops the second write.

We were able to reproduce this problem, with the help of a Windows program 
called "PerformanceTest" from Passmark Software. When doing a "Disk Random Seek 
+RW" test, the logs gets filled with the error mentioned at the top of this 

We have tested a VM *without* the gplpv drivers, and *no error* appears. We 
have tested previous drivers versions (,, and the same 
error appears.

So, we have the feeling there is some kind of error in the driver, although we 
have never experienced a single VM crash. Can we safely ignore the "Concurrent 
local write error" mentioned in the log, or is that really a bug that should be 
corrected before using the driver in production?

Best regards,

Attik System              web  : http://www.attiksystem.ch
Philippe Lang             phone: +41 26 422 13 75
rte de la Fonderie 2      gsm  : +41 79 351 49 94
1700 Fribourg             pgp  : http://keyserver.pgp.com

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