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Re: [Xen-users] Dom0 - extremely slooooooww !!!

On 10-11-12 04:26 PM, fpt stl wrote:
> New Dell R510, 40GB ram, 2x quad procs
> Dom0 allocated 2GB
> Two test DomUs - insignificant use.
> one (default) bridge
> rsync two lvms from mounted NFS shares - on Dom0
> It was running fine, but suddenly the transfer slows down to a crawl
> ................
> AND the system - Dom0 is almost non-responsive !!!!!!
> Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> BTW, Dom0 is CentOS 5.5 64bit, the disks are RAID1 10.000rpm, Xen 3.4.2
> Regards,
> frank 

What does top show on dom0?

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