I'm still running XCP 0.5 on two servers. I am trying to make a few 10Gig Slackware64 13.1 servers (using the Windows 2003 server template).
However, every time I try to start the guests in OpenXenManager, they die with something like: Async VM.start Slack64 13.1 #3['NO_HOSTS_AVAILABLE']
I tried starting the hosts from the xsconsole and got the same results. I can't find anything to indicate why this is happening.
Whats really inconsistent is that at one point, I had built some identical 5Gig Slackware servers and out of 3... only the second would start, the 1st and 3rd would fail with the NO_HOSTS_AVAILABLE. Unfortunately, I was not able to live with such small space, so I deleted them, but had less luck on the second try.
Best I can see, it appears to me that even though they are supposed to start on the second Xen server (where the virtual drive is), they are being started on the first xen server.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Also, I am considering upgrading to the 1.0 beta. Is it reasonable stable to do this upgrade at this point?
Thanks in advance.