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Re: [Xen-users] running "service --status-all" (xend status check) shuts down eth1

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 3:33 PM, jesse <jesse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Running "service --status-all" (checking the status of all services)
> eventually gets to checking on xend, when it does, it shuts down eth1.
> I was not expecting this behavior, I thought status would just tell me
> if its running, not do anything else.
> Details below if anyone is interested. You can see me press control c
> in surprise as I begin to comprehend that my remote ssh is about to be
> dropped with eth1.

What distro did you use? Do you use bundled Xen? Most likely it's init
scripts bug, or possibly xen's network-bridge script bug.

I create my own bridge using OS config files
(/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br* on RHEL). Running the
command shows something like this

xend is running
Checking for xendomains: 2008ent-t oi rhel5-build rhel6-tes[  OK  ][running]

You might want to try downloading rpm package from Centos5.5 and just
use its init script (/etc/init.d/xend*)


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