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[Xen-users] That explanation may be that qemu, show better performance than gplpv?

    Hello, I am still performance issues with gplpv: (  (Sorry for English, this is google)

    I'm struggling with a Windows 2003R2 32bit domU, and I notice I have better performance in hard disk with qemu.

   During the reinstallation of gplpv_2003x32_0.11.0.238.msi, I notice that I have better perfoformance with qemu with gplpv, which makes me think I have something wrong .. :)
But do not know where to look, or read more ..
Not if it's a disk cache issue of the raid, the windows or linux.

In the performance numbers is:
No gplpv (direct qemu), I have 150-160MB / s (http://www.fileupyours.com/view/309484/domUWin_sinPV_con_qemu.jpg)
gplpv, I have between 55-60MB/s (http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/7485/discosaswindowsdomu1.jpg)
Windows host, I have a performance of 200mb/s (write) and 350Mb/s (read) (http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/7610/discosaswindowshost.jpg)

That explanation may be that qemu, show better performance than gplpv?
  I would appreciate any ideas of where to look, or read ... at this moment do not know where to focus reading.

Thank you for reaching this far down ...

configuration file:
The domU.cfg /--------- is:
kernel = '/ usr / lib / xen-default / boot / hvmloader'
DEVICE_MODEL = '/ usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm'
builder = 'hvm'
memory = '1024 '
acpi = 1
apic = 1
vcpus = 16

disk = [
'Phy: / dev/gv_db/vl2, hda, w'
, 'Phy: / dev/gv_db/vl1, hdb, w'
, 'Phy: / dev/sdb2, hdc, w'
boot = 'c'
\ --------- The domU.cfg is:
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