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[Xen-users] Problem importing virtual disk

Hi. Let me know if I should be reporting this elsewhere for reasons that I'm 
about to detail below.

I'm fiddling with Xen 4.1.1 on Debian squeeze running kernel 3.0. I was really 
exciting about the Kronos project bringing the API to Debian/Ubuntu so I 
thought I'd give it a try.  

I'm find myself facing a number of challenges working with a local lvm based 
SR. Trying to outright create one, I kept getting errors.. but I was able to 
work around it using the sr-introduce workaround. Now i'm trying to import a 
raw disk image  using the command xe vdi-import and i'm getting a very nasty 

root@squeeze:~xe vdi-import uuid=6d028ae2-a8be-403a-98ae-a02e498af3a0 
The server failed to handle your request, due to an internal error.  The given 
message may give details useful for debugging the problem.
message: Caught exception: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE: [ non-zero exit; ; 
/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/util.py:17: DeprecationWarning: The popen2 module 
is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
  import os, re, sys, popen2, subprocess
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/LVMSR", line 1959, in <module>
    SRCommand.run(LVHDSR, DRIVER_INFO)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/SRCommand.py", line 252, in run
    ret = cmd.run(sr)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/SRCommand.py", line 94, in run
    return self._run_locked(sr)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/SRCommand.py", line 131, in _run_locked
    return self._run(sr, target)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/SRCommand.py", line 185, in _run
    writable, caching_params)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 1282, in activate
    writable, caching_params):
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 32, in wrapper
    ret = op(self, *args)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 1314, in _activate_locked
    dev_path = self._activate(sr_uuid, vdi_uuid, writable, caching_params)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 1334, in _activate
    dev_path = self._tap_activate(phy_path, vdi_type, sr_uuid, writable)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 1126, in _tap_activate
    tapdisk = Tapdisk.find_by_path(phy_path)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 594, in find_by_path
    return cls.find(path=path)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 582, in find
    found = list(cls.list(**args))
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 557, in list
    for row in TapCtl.list(**args):
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 67, in loop
    return f(*__t, **__d)
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 271, in list
    return list(cls.__list(**args))
  File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 247, in __list
    key, val = field.split('=')
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

I haven't tried this with a ext type repository yet, but I think I will soon do 
so. Is what I'm trying to do expected to work?

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