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Re: [Xen-users] XCP which management console to use - plus XenServer question

Thanks for all the help...

XVP seems quite high on requirements. Like it needs an SMTP server set
up. I'm not sure I like that.

I found a tool called BixData, it's proprietary but with a free
license for a limited number of managed servers. Being a fully fledged
cloud management system, it's true overkill for me and my 3-4 virtual
machines, but at least it seems quite nice, with an OSX port. Anyone
using it? Is it worth the trouble?

I tried using XenCenter - I installed XVP with it -, but it beleives I
need to activate XCP. I read up on it and found that compatibility is
not exact. Does this mean that it will stop working after 30 days? Or
do I just need to dissociate from the server, and re-add it?

Since I haven't found a single proper management console for XCP, and
ssh management is living hell with all the GUIDs, I had a go with
XenServer free. It didn't work. Installs nice, but after booting up,
it doesn't see the local repository. Note, it does create the repo, I
checked with fdisk, it just doesn't see it. Any idea? (Also, what
exactly does XCP do that XenServer doesn't, and vice versa?)


On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 8:07 AM, Grant McWilliams
<grantmasterflash@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Outback Dingo <outbackdingo@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> install the xenwebmanager appliance on XCP, upload the .xva file and
>> run xe vm-import filename=xenwebmanager.xva
>> then xe vm-start xenwemanager
>> figure out the ip it got from dhcp
>> then goto the http://ip-from-dhcp/8080
>> add the server ip for the XCP hosts and login / password
>> and yes you can console to running guests from xenwebmanager
>> 2011/9/10 Chris Petrolino <cpetrolino@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> > I'm pretty sure openxenmanger is still quite alive it's just a case of
>> > few 'or actually one I think' developer so the dev cycle is a bit slow. Not
>> > sure how hard it is to get it working on osx though.
>> >
>> > Kind Regards,
>> >
>> > Christopher James Petrolino
>> >
>> >
> openxenmanager was abandoned by the original author because he couldn't get
> any support from Citrix and has since stopped using XCP. Another person took
> over but hasn't really done anything yet from what I understand.
> OpenXenManager does work and is nice to look at but is buggy as heck. You'll
> find yourself restarting it a lot. XenWebManager is the web version of the
> same code and most of the links to it have disappeared although the xva
> noted above is at
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/xenwebmanager/files/appliances/. The last
> update seems to be a year old.
> I went through the same process looking for a graphical management interface
> and settled on xvp appliance which has been rock solid so far. It doesn't
> have all of the abilities of Openxenmanager but what it does it does
> reliably. That includes start/stop/restart/console which is what I needed.
> Grant McWilliams

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