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Re: [Xen-users] Windows 7 Activation

No, it has been activated (before I backed it up).  The proof is that I don't even enter the key, I just click activate and phone in the digits.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Ken Cobler <kcobler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Quoting Ben Himberg <bhimberg@xxxxxxxxx>:

So I now have Windows 7 running just how I like it.  Unfortunately every
time I restore a backup I lose my activation and have to phone in for
reactivation.  My guess is that both the virtual bios and drive are
changing some sort of UID and windows thinks it has been installed on a new

Has anyone dealt with this?  Any suggestions?

It sounds like your backup image has no activation.  Suggest making a backup image after the activation process.

Ken Cobler

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