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Re: [Xen-users] Lin/Win desktop/games rig with PEG pass-through

Hi Dex,

nVidia graphics cards are a boatload of hurt to make work with Windows 7 and passthrough, just a warning upfront that you may want to buy an AMD card instead.

If using a single monitor, it will need two different inputs to switch from the onboard to the graphics card line.

You can pass input devices to the DomU post-boot using USB Passthrough but they will operate at USB 1.1, for gaming I'd recommend passing a USB Controller and have a second keyboard.

Xen is controlled from the Linux Dom0, at shutdown Xen will attempt to shutdown the running VM's by issuing a shutdown request, but that won't work on Windows HVM's without PV on HVM Drivers (GPLPV).

I only have experience using an Intel CPU, but ASRock boards are my favorite choice, best features to price IMO. ÂSo far have used three, two work fully the one that did not had incompatible components.

While you are planning an AMD system, you might want to check out my Comprehensive Xen tutorial and accompanying videos:

Best of luck,


On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Dexter Filmore <Dexter.Filmore@xxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm planning a rig that has SuSE linux in Dom0 and Windows7 in a DomU with the
PCIe video card passed through to the Win7-U and an AMD system's onboard
video for the Linux system.

Couple xen-newbie questions: does my plan work in such that I intend to have
the onboard video's DVI and the video card (at present an NV GTX-460) on the
same monitor and switch between them? How will I direct the input devices,
i.e. how do I tell which VM is active and takes keyb/mouse input?

Do I understand correctly that shutting down the Xen system will suspend the
U-VMs automatically?

Is it acceptable to use the Dom0 SuSE for daily work (private use) or are
there resons against it and I should rather use another DomU for that?

Now hardware: targetting an AMD platform, what board/cpu combo has proven to
work with Win7 in a DomU and PCIe passthrough in the range of quad-core or
better and a board/cpu combo that supports ECC RAM? (thinking about 16GB, so
I'd go for unregistered modules, 4x4GB single ranked).



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