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Re: [Xen-users] Vif:s stop working when USB sound is played (win7 HVM, possibly GPLPV related)

Update 2 - problems solved

(My last answer didn't show up on the web archive, I don't know if it ever went on the list - either it was because I changed the subject line and confused the thread mechanism, or because it contained an http link - both are fixed now. The missing message in question is included below)

Now, the problem seems entirely solved. Networking with the XenNet driver works flawlessly and I could not replicate the performance dip mentioned below. I believe it had to do with some unoptimized vif device settings which I have changed now.

With GPLPV signed by Bendigo, XenNet driver works well with USB sound
With GPLPV signed by Uninvention, USB sound kills network temporarily, but only during playback
- Windows 7 HVM on gentoo 3.2.12 dom0, xen 4.1,passed-through pci usb controller.

Hopefully the information is of use for someone. Also, thanks to James Harper for providing these drivers in the first place!


2012/12/15 Andreas Falck <falck.andreas.lists@xxxxxxxxx>
Update: I checked the older, working installation. The devices had the same IRQ configurations, but the GPLPV drivers was the 357 version, not the 356 one as I had installed in the new system. After updating to 357 the problem disappeared. I remember now doing the same upgrade when setting up the last system, I started out with the 356 driver signed by Uninvention (believing that other options would require test-signing) before upgrading to the 357 version from meadowcourt dot org. I did not attribute the solution of the problem to the upgrade last time, however - though it is reasonable that this was the real reason why the problem went away.

However, there still seems to be some interaction between audio playback and network performance. If I ping my gateway without playing sound I get ping times of 1-2ms, but during sound playback I get this plus occasional longer ping times, up to 50ms/ping, sometimes during a few seconds in a row. I does seem to hit copying over the (host-internal) network, in the single test I just did I got 20ish Mb/sec during sound playback compared to 70ish Mb/sec without playback.

I haven't yet tweaked the network settings according to the recommendations, though. I'll have a look later if I can reproduce this performance difference in my old install.


2012/12/15 Andreas Falck <falck.andreas.lists@xxxxxxxxx>
Of course, thanks, I never thought of checking the interrupts.

From the respective "resources" tabs in device manager:

Xen PCI device driver: IRQ 28
Texas I. XHCI controller: IRQ -2

The other GPLPV devices (including the vif) does not show any resources, is this correct?

Also, I'm not sure how to interpret the -2 above. An artifact of decimal conversion or does win7 have problems with high IRQ numbers? If it gets mapped onto something else maybe it could collide undetected (the machine is dual-cpu amd).


2012/12/15 James Harper <james.harper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Dear list members,
> I recently re-encountered a problem which I thought I had solved before, but
> the former solution turned out non-replicable.
> System: xen4.1 + gentoo 3.2.12, win7 as HVM guest with a radeon video card
> and a Texas instruments xhci (usb3) controller passed through xl toolstack
> GPLPV drivers installed in guest, _except_ XenUsb Creative usb
> headset connected to the (passed-through) USB controller, together with
> keyboard and mouse
> Symptom: whenever sound is played via the USB headset, network
> connection disappears entirely. Connection returns immediately when
> playback stops, though.
> This occurs in a fresh win7 HVM installation. However, in an earlier almost
> identical installation I had the same problem, after installing all the GPLPV
> drivers (including XenUsb). Back then, the problem disappeared after
> removing the XenUsb driver, leading me to assume that XenUsb was source
> of the problem. But apparently this is not the explanation, since the problem
> shows up today even without the XenUsb driver. I can still boot up the old
> HVM system in which sound and networking works, the driver configs are
> very similar as far as I can see.
> What I have NOT tested:
> I have not managed to remove the XenNet driver - trying that gave me a
> bluescreen followed by system restore at reboot. I could reinstall, but
> XenNet and USB audio have successfully co-existed before.
> I have not tried any non-USB audio devices - none are available to me I have
> not tried installing and then removing XenUsb - I don't see what it could
> possibly change
> It is possible that I did something else at the same time as removing the
> XenUsb driver last time, confounding the explanation. Since I haven't tried
> without GPLPV, i cannot be sure that it is related to GPLPV at all. In both
> installs, I configured GPLPV before trying sound. So that suspicion might be
> misdirected. Any thoughts?

Can you see in device manager what interrupt the USB and GPLPV are using?


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