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Re: [Xen-users] Get Network on DomU + Parsing multiple Guest Domains with lvm usage

  • To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • From: Alexandre Kouznetsov <alk@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:15:52 -0500
  • Delivery-date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 19:17:00 +0000
  • List-id: Xen user discussion <xen-users.lists.xen.org>


El 12/09/13 06:24, Dorian escribió:
I'm in the process of testing Xen 4.0 on §Debian Squeeze install.
I've a working Xen Hypervisor on Debian Squeeze

I installed 2 Debian squeeze volumes with debootstrap and xm created
them. Log in is succesfull.
I installed 1 Ubuntu Lucid volume, but creating fails using
root@debian:/home/dorian# xm create Machin-bizarre-ubu.net.cfg (same
command as for the Debian images)
Error: Unable to open config file: Machin-bizarre-ubu.net.cfg
Usage: xm create <ConfigFile> [options] [vars]

xm complains that it can not read the config file. This means, between other things, that it did not parsed it yet, so whatever happens with the storage is irrelevant on this stage.

Make sure Machin-bizarre-ubu.net.cfg is the correct config file name. Remember that the file names in Linux are case-sensitive.

Is there anything special regarding creating Ubuntu image?
No, except that usually you use pygrub as the boot loader with Ubuntu, while in case of Debian DomU sometines it's easer to specify the kernel and initrd directly, it will load them from Dom0 filesystem.

Cc the llogical volumes, following the beginners tutorial, one tell to
create pv then vg and, might I be misleaded, lv. I made at first thought
multiple lv io to use seperate lv per DomU created but the command to
create DomU doesn't take argument to bind the DomU to the lv (I had 3
lv  like /dev/Esp-Virt/Vol1 - Vol2 & Vol3) Using all the extent of the
vg, When I went to install with debootstrap I had no space as a
consequence. So I deleted the Vol1,2 &3. Recalling what lvcreate stands
for, I remain dubious (what stands it for if Icannot bind to it? I only
suppose lvremove stands for destroying the DomU -
Machin-bizarre.ubu.net-disk and swap for instance)?
Sorry, your explanation is little bit confusing, but I still hope I can answer this.

While using LVM as storage for DomUs, as initial setup you usually define some block device(s) as one (or several) Physical Volume, then create a Volume Group and you are done. After that you create/remove/resize Logical Volumes as need them.

In case of Xen over Debian, I would recommend to use xen-tools instead of debootstrap directly. I can also create the necessary Logical volumes an generate a nice config file.

CC debootstrap, does it physically install a cd image on a
sub-directory? How can I find it out (install dir)? 'cause for each
newly created DomU I 've to take usage of the internet and/or exploit my
/ ( maybe the lvm volmuewhere I created a vg, to get it simple)
partition, increasing the occupied storage capcity. Can I use a previous
debootstrap image and install the extra guests from there? Maybe other
caveats , but I assume you know better how I summarise it.
debootstrap does not need to use a CD image (unless it's specified as Debian Repository), the most common way is to make it pull packages from network. It does store a copy of the downloaded packages within the target directory tree.

You can deploy Debian DomU from a master image instead of debootstrapping each of them. Personally, I tried that but then found that xen-tools if the easiest and most flexible way to deploy machines. The master image became outdated soon enough to justify a new deploy each time.

Please consider to board different questions in different threads.


Alexandre Kouznetsov

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