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Re: [Xen-users] [Xen-devel] Building Xen tools

IMHO This is not a question about Xen development, but about using Xen,
so redirecting to the user list.

On Wed, 2014-03-12 at 20:45 -0600, Kaushik Kanetkar wrote:

> How do I cross compile the tools for that particular target
> environment? The wiki has instructions particular to Debian and I'm
> running into problems while replicating those. 

What problems?

> The wiki mentions "The environment which you run on your dom0 must be
> the same. The instructions use Ubuntu Raring and therefore that is
> what you would need in your dom0 as well. " which I'm having problem
> understanding

It is trying to say "These instructions use Ubuntu Raring so if you
follow them exactly then you would also need to use Ubuntu Raring in
your dom0".

You could also use the instructions as an example but substitute your
own distro to match your own dom0 environment, but you'd then have to be
able to handle the subtle differences between distros.

> Do you mean that if I have linux 3.10 kernel as dom0 then I would need
> to build the tools on a 3.10 linux kernel?

No. That statement refers only to the userspace environment (i.e. glibc
version, compiler version, other libraries etc). The compile time and
runtime kernel can be independent (and if cross compiling this must
obviously be the case).
> I'm fairly new to this so please correct me if I'm wrong anywhere.
> Thanks
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