Hardware KVM cost money and also takes space. Don't want.
Synergy seems to be quite useful, but not exactly for my purpose. Before using Xen, I had both Monitors in Windows and they worked with Extended Desktop, which is the same that what Synergy seems to do, but across different VMs/physical machines. While that could take care of switching input from what its on one Monitor to the other, it still has the issue that I need a way to choose what VM screen to bring to front in the Monitor that Dom0 uses so I can see it, because multiples VMs will use that Monitor. I don't expect Synergy to automatically figure out that there is a new Desktop surface on top from another VM. Would work seamlessly if I had one fixed Monitor per VMs, but that's not my case.
So far, regarding my original proposal, if I open another tty, I can use startx to launch an even more basic version of this: http://pconstantino.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/startx.pngJust thatit looks like on a very fresh X.org install without Windows Managers or anything, as the three white consoles don't have the window header. I can close two of them using exit command, and on the last one I can use use xl create to open a VM in there. While this comes extremely close to accomplish what I want because I can then switch back to Dom0 with Alt + Ctrl + F1, the input on the tty2 VM is extremely buggy, because the Mouse doesn't seem to stick inside the VM and instead I have the default X.org cursor, as if the VM wasn't the active window. Also, the Enter key inside the VM doesn't work for some reason that I can't figure, through other keys like the Windows key and Arrows key do (So I can at least navigate the Start Menu, even through I can't do anything else due lack of both Enter key and functional Mouse). I suppose that I would need to tinker a bit with X.org configuration to see if I can fix the input issue and possibly I will have to install a Window Manager.There is A BIG exception: The VM with VGA Passthrough. If using SDL, by default, there is a window created where the VM BIOS and Windows XP splash screen kicks in (Which is the content while it boots of the black window in the screenshot of the previous E-Mail), and I get video output on the other Monitor after the GPU Drivers loads. This one would need something a bit more special, like a shortcut that just changes to that VM as the active window so I get input on the VM, but doesn't replace the VM that I'm seeing in the other Monitor with a black screen. Point is, the black SDL surface needs to be somehow hide or destroyed, yet have a way to switch to the other VM.If I can solve both things, this would pretty much be the solution I want.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, I've tackled similar problems in one of two ways.