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Re: [Xen-users] Xen and OS X

Am 28. April 2015 09:03:19 MESZ, schrieb Simon Hobson <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Is there an official (license compliant and supported by Xen and
>Apple) way to run OS X as either Dom0 or DomU on Mac hardware?

For Dom0:
No, XEN dom0 extensions are only available in Linux, NetBSD and (afaik devel 
state) FreeBSD and formerly openSolaris.

For DomU:
There is no official. Because lack of xen domU / PV features in OSX it may only 
possible to run it HVM which reduces hardware usability hardly because lack of 
several drivers in OSX for virtual HVM hardware and performance.

>If you don't mind Linux being the guest and don't object to commercial
>software, you may also want to consider Parallels Desktop.
If you feel able to set up a xen environment you may just safe your pockets and 
download/use VirtualBox for Mac instead of throwing money to parallels. 
Parallels makes desktop virtualisation a bit more easier then VirtualBox 
because of wider integration in OSX what is ideal for very end users - but 
costs license fees.

I run a xen linux Dom0 dual boot to a small OSX part on my MacBookPros - this 
works, but i did not virtualize Mac OSX, which is "virtualizable" even 
officially if runned "on Mac Hardware".


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