(XEN) 'q' pressed -> dumping domain info (now=0x0:00000000) (XEN) General information for domain 0: (XEN) refcnt=3 dying=0 pause_count=0 (XEN) nr_pages=32768 xenheap_pages=5 shared_pages=0 paged_pages=0 dirty_cpus={} max_pages=42949675 (XEN) handle=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 vm_assist=00000000 (XEN) p2m mappings for domain 0 (vmid 1): (XEN) 1G mappings: 0 (shattered 0) (XEN) 2M mappings: 182 (shattered 0) (XEN) 4K mappings: 541 (XEN) Rangesets belonging to domain 0: (XEN) Interrupts { 33, 36, 38-42, 47-48, 52-53, 55-62, 64-75, 78-79, 81, 83-84, 87-89, 92-93, 103} (XEN) I/O Memory { 0-1, 20001-20003, 30001-30003, 40800-40848, 40d00-40d03, 44000-45001, 48020-48} (XEN) NODE affinity for domain 0: [0] (XEN) VCPU information and callbacks for domain 0: (XEN) VCPU0: CPU0 [has=F] poll=0 upcall_pend=00 upcall_mask=01 dirty_cpus={} (XEN) cpu_hard_affinity={0-127} cpu_soft_affinity={0-127} (XEN) pause_count=0 pause_flags=0 (XEN) GICH_LRs (vcpu 0) mask=0 (XEN) VCPU_LR[0]=0 (XEN) VCPU_LR[1]=0 (XEN) VCPU_LR[2]=0 (XEN) VCPU_LR[3]=0 (XEN) No periodic timer (XEN) Notifying guest 0:0 (virq 1, port 0)