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[Xen-users] dom0pvh=1 fails on an other server

Hi. some weeks ago I had a post here regarding a failing server with
dom0pvh enabled.

That particular machine is working, but now I had to deploy this
configuration on various servers, with different hardware. And on the
first server I tried, I got a multicalls.c:129 xen_flush_tlb_others
oops. the server starts booting up to a certain point where after
subsequent oopses it panices completely.

I attach some debug logs which might help clearing the issue. all logs
been made with iommu=debug, and loglvl=all. the kernel is the latest
debian wheezy backport:
4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.3.3-5~bpo8+1 (2016-01-07) x86_64

boot-normal.cap - how we normally boot without dom0pvh.
boot-dom0pvh.cap - what happens with dom0pvh enabled.
lshw.txt and lspci.txt contains the information of the hw.

Can someone (dom0pvh expert) please assist? If I need to do further
tests, I will do.


Éliás Tamás
Thomas Elias

ETIT[nwpro] KFT, Ügyvezető-Hálózatbiztonsági specialista
ETIT[nwpro] Ltd, General Manager-Network security specialist

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