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[Xen-users] PVH for debian guest


I wouldlike to receive the list's opinion about XEN PVH mode for LINUX
guests. The dom0 is a linux (running dom0pvh) and the guests are also
linux machines.

Up to these days I had the opnion that there is nothing that can be
faster then PV, But on the net I found somany articles and benchmarks,
but none of them says anything about PVH-based linux guest.

Some time ago on this list I read, that someone has tried it and
suprisingly he got better results with hw assisted virtualized system
calls, then the native PV ones. Could someone enlighten me?

Is it worth setting the
"pvh=1" parameter for linux guests? (I tried, practically this is the
only change I need to make to utilize this new mode). So it seems to be
an easy win. But is it a win for linux guests? Sould oi stay with PV or
go to PVH?


Éliás Tamás
Thomas Elias

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