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Re: [Xen-users] [win-pv-devel] Windows 10 upgrade to new build with testsigning on -> FAIL

Il 15/12/2015 15:49, Paul Durrant ha scritto:
-----Original Message-----
I believe Lars is working on this. We intend to get an EV cert for Xen Project
and release-sign (not logo-sign) drivers through the new Windows 10 portal. I
have updated the staging-8.1 branches recently and re-tagged them with
new rc numbers... I'll adjust the Jenkins projects today to deliver new builds
of these branches to xenbits. My hope is that these are likely to be the final
Sorry for bother you, is there any news about the signed builds please?


   I believe Lars now has Advisory Board approval to purchase the EV cert and I 
hope this means we should be able to acquire it immediately after the holiday 
   As for the code, I have just re-tagged the staging-8.1 branches after some 
more fixes for issues found in testing (new builds are available on xenbits) 
and I'm not anticipating any more tags now. Once we have the EV cert, I will 
sign the builds via the Microsoft portal and formally release version 8.1.0 of 
all drivers.


Sorry for bother you, is there any news please?

Thanks for any reply and sorry for my bad english.


Éliás Tamás
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