On 16.07.20 10:19, peter.jac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Did you use internet during installation? The KVM package is available
> on the DVD without the internet connection but Xen...
Yes, I've used the network installer.
The DVD is limited in space, so there has to be a selection what to put
on it.
Again: this here is the wrong place to ask why a distribution has chosen
to not put some packages on their installation DVD. Ask the distributor,
which is the openSUSE community in this case.
> Sent from ProtonMail mobile
> -------- Original Message --------
> On Jul 16, 2020, 11:02 AM, Jürgen Groß < jgross@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 15.07.20 19:16, peter.jac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > I have a question from all Xen Project developers and users.
> What? Not from me. ;-)
> > Is OpenSUSE supporting Xen Project?
> Why do you ask this here, instead of an OpenSUSE list/forum/whatever?
> > Did anyone install OpenSUSE?
> I know several people having done so, yes.
> > Why OpenSUSE not have any option about
> > installing Xen during installation but have an option about KVM?
> Ask OpenSUSE community?
> BTW, I'm able to select "Xen Virtualization Host and Tools" from the
> "Software" menu when installing openSUSE 15.2. It is even above the
> "KVM Virtualization Host and Tools" option.
> > Why Xen package doesn't included?
> They are.
> Juergen