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XEN 4.12, redirect tape drive to domu

Dear all.

I have an ubuntu 18.04LTS DOM0 with XEN 4.12 installed, and several PV domUs (mainly ubuntu linux).

In the dom0, I have a tape drive installed:
st 4:0:6:0: Attached scsi tape st0

This is a good old HP DAT 72 SCSI tape drive.

From the dom0, I can access the tape drive, no problem, but it woudl be more conveniant if I could access it directly form one of the domus.

The scsi card is a very old Adaptec AIC-7892A U160/m from the late 90s, so it does not support any virtualization specific helpers.

My question is, should it be possible to passthrough this tape drive, or the complete scsi card sitting on the pci (due to it's only aim is to provide access to the tape), somehow? Are there any specialities?


Éliás Tamás
Thomas Elias

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