Hi all,
Calling for agenda items for next Tuesday’s Xen
FuSa SIG call. Here is what I have so far:
- Stefano S to present
DomU starting example next call (refer to email “safety docs, an early draft of
DomU interfaces”)
- Is it OK for the
FuSa SIG to continue using Zoom for the calls?
I can add a password.
Action items from previous calls:
- API/ABI docs (Bertrand's presentation)
- Stefano S to come up with list of problems in short term, then we can take 1st stab at writing draft proposal for socializing
with others.
- Stefano S to present
DomU starting example next call
- [DONE] Stefano S to summarize the discussion & Antonio to weigh in on if BSD or CC makes a difference
- [DONE] Stefano S to look up tool that Lars was investigating and send to mailing list (Lars also had made a presentation about
- ISO 26262
- Artem: Will reach out to David
- Artem: Submit sessions on code/issue/feature archaeology & bug tracker for Xen Summit
- Tracking patch series
- Stefano S: I can ask George about his take. Maybe can schedule a special Community call before April to discuss issue &
patch tracking b/c may take a whole hour.
- Artem: If not having an earlier Community call, start discussion about issue & patch tracking on xen-devel
- Francesco's spreadsheet
- Francesco: I can select most representative 1 for each rules for top 5. Would like to have both directives & rules.
- Stefano S. can help fill the columns to figure out false positive or valid
- Francesco to send subset of rules to be analyzed
The notes from the previous call & pointer to the recording are at
CryptDrive > Documents > FuSa SIG (shared folder) > 2020 Minutes
Thanks & regards,
-----Original Appointment-----
Subject: (New) Xen Project FuSa SIG Meeting series
When: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 8:00 AM-9:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Zoom
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Meeting ID: 929 372 459
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