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Re: ocaml-dns- quick ocaml question

So cstruct shouldnt be a constraint; it's trivial to retarget to polymorphic 
variants. There is a very slight performance hit, but I don't think that 

GADTs: I don't see how they help here; did you have anything in mind Raphael, 
or was it a general "new shiny feature"? :-)


On 18 Jun 2012, at 18:42, Richard Mortier <Richard.Mortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 

> On 18 Jun 2012, at 18:38, Raphael Proust wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Richard Mortier
>> <Richard.Mortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> i have two types, rr_type and q_type. rr_type is a subset of q_type, 
>>> extended it by about 5 elements. both are currently implemented in 
>>> Dns.Packet as cenums which are translated to variant types.
>>> i've just realised that (of course?) this means that the last definition 
>>> (rr_type) overrides the first (q_type) as they have overlapping elements.
>>> is there a nice/idiomatic way around this without either going to 
>>> polymorphic variant types (that's what the `T types are called, right?) or 
>>> just defining the cenum q_type with rr_type aliased to it (for slightly 
>>> better readability), and using that everywhere?
>>> eg., should i do something like create submodules Qtype and RRtype of 
>>> Packet, and define cenum t in each?
>> I see several possibilities:
>> - use polymorphic variants (yes that's what `Ts are called)
> unfortunately cstruct targets variants only at the moment.
>> - use one variant type and add assertion checks or other dynamic failure 
>> (bad!)
> ack- i thought that didn't "feel" right :)
>> - use several submodules
>> - prefix the variants (very common) (feels similar to submodules but prevents
>> "open"-induced ambiguities)
>> type q =
>> | Q_Foo
>> | Q_Bar of int
>> type rr =
>> | RR_Foo
>> | RR_Bar of int
>> | RR_Baz of float
> ok- i'll probably go with one of these options then.  (likely the latter.)
> was just wondering if there was a "better" way.
>> - use GADTs (requires OCaml 4.00 (still in beta)) (I am unsure of the proper
>> syntax, check the manual if need be)
>> type q
>> type rr
>> type 'a t =
>> | Foo : 'a t
>> | Bar : int -> 'a t
>> | Baz : float -> q t (* This branch forces the ['a] to be instantiated with
>>                         [q], thus preventing anyuse with functions requiring
>>                         [rr t]
>>                       *)
> interesting!  but possibly a little advanced for me for now :)
> thanks!
> -- 
> Cheers,
> R.
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