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Re: urls.txt-- format change?

I've done a really quick re-jig of the repositories, so you can try:

$ opam init http://mirage.github.com/opam-0.4
$ opam remote -add local http://mirage.github.com/opam-0.4-dev
$ opem install lwt # due to a bug in the package files
$ opam install mirage

I'm still finishing up the dev conversion (a bit later today) and will get 
mirage-www building with it (wont take too long).  It's probably easier to 
clone the repos yourself (mirage/opam-repository and mirage/opam-repo-dev) and 
run "opam-mk-repo" yourself for now.


On 25 Aug 2012, at 10:21, Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Thomas has done an epic set of changes in 0.4 which totally re-do the package 
> format to be more sensible, and adds checksums for packages, and removes the 
> need for a separate dev repository.
> In the very short term, you can run 'opam-convert-repo-0.3' to the new format 
> on an existing repo, and here are the instructions Thomas sent me earlier to 
> add a new package.
> 1. git clone git://github.com/OCamlPro/opam-repository.git
> 2. git remote -add local opam-repository
> 3. cd opam-repository/packages/
> 4. cp -r batteries.1.4.3 mlorg.xxx
> 5. [edit mlorg.xxx/descr with the right description]
> 6. [edit mlorg.xxx/url with the right archive name and checksum]
> 7. opam update
> [normally it should have picked the new mlorg package]
> 8. opam install mlorg
> 9. [in case of error, edit mlorg.xxx/opam and goto 7]
> In the new world order, you can simply add a 'url: "git://foo"' to the url 
> file in a package, rather than the separate setup we had before.  I guess we 
> need to maintain a fork for now with our dev packages, so I am running the 
> conversion script right now to update mirage.github.com.
> This is hopefully the last of the big packaging changes (also famous last 
> words).
> -anil
> On 25 Aug 2012, at 10:16, Dave Scott <Dave.Scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm hitting a problem reinstalling the mirage stuff via opam which I think 
>> is caused by a urls.txt format change. If you compare
>> http://opam.ocamlpro.com/urls.txt
>> with
>> http://mirage.github.com/opam/urls.txt
>> it looks like a re-arrangement. The error I get with "opam init default ..." 
>> is consistent with it mis-parsing the file.
>> Anyone know how to regenerate the urls.txt?
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
>> Dave Scott



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