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Re: Trouble installing mirage from OPAM

On 11 Feb 2013, at 08:58, Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas.gazagnaire@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Steve,
>>  ./configure --prefix /Users/stevej/.opam/3.12.1+mirage-unix-direct
> The new "official" mirage compiler is now 4.01.0dev+mirage-unix, so you 
> should run 'opam switch 4.01.0dev+mirage-unix'  before installing mirage. 
> Regarding your error, native dynlink was broken with OCaml 3.12.1 on OSX.

Hey Steve! Thanks for the reminder...I've yank the 3.12.1 compilers from the 
OPAM repository, as they're now well deprecated.  The switch to 4.x was quite 
easy, and there are many, many performance and stability improvements in the 
new tree.

I'd recommend 4.01.0dev+mirage-xen to play with.  It gives you the trunk 
version with new compiler intrinsics that Pierre put in to optimise handling of 
low-level int16/32/64s.  It'll be what the first alpha release uses.

(documentation update on the website coming as soon as mirari has first 
release, real soon now!)




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