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Re: [ocaml-infra] Wireframe demo of OCaml.og

Hi Seb, Thanks for the feedback.

You're right about the width vs height and in these wireframes you're actually 
seeing the whole page at once.  All displays (apart from phones) should see the 
full width of the page but may have to scroll to see content further down the 
page.  People on large monitors may not have to scroll far.  I should point out 
that I fixed the width of these wireframes at 1024 wide, which is similar to 
tablet resolutions.  On wider monitors, we'd likely add more whitespace either 
side so as to avoid stretching the content too far.

There isn't a straightforward way to see how the site would look from a mobile 
without explicitly wireframing it that way, but we are conscious of it.  Since 
we're using the bootstrap [1] grid, we do get mobile-friendly views for free, 
provided we arrange the content well.  As an example, visit the bootstrap site 
(below) from a desktop and slowly reduce the width of your browser window.  
You'll see how the content reflows to fit the window until it eventually 
becomes a single column (as I see it on my phone).

[1] http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/

Best wishes,

On 14 Mar 2013, at 18:45, Sebastien Mondet <sebastien.mondet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi
> Very impressive work!!
> One question: 
> even without fonts and colors, the wireframes are supposed to be about page 
> layout, right? 
> On the videos, the pseudo-browser is higher than wider while most people seem 
> to have nowadays w > h.
> Is there a way to view how the layout is intended to adapt to other "page 
> geometries" (or to mobile-browsers by the way)? or is it too early in the 
> design?
> Thanks & Cheers
> Seb
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Amir Chaudhry <amc79@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've been working on putting together wireframes to demonstrate aspects of 
> the design and functionality we'd like to introduce into the OCaml.org 
> website.  Today, I published a blog post summarising this work, which 
> includes screencasts and a link to a clickable demo you can play with.
> http://amirchaudhry.com/wireframe-demos-for-ocamlorg
> I'd be keen to know what you think so please send any feedback via the 
> infrastructure mailing list (infrastructure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
> Best wishes,
> Amir
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