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Re: ocaml-dns

> > So I've compiled ocaml-dns not using opam and as you've seen it failed
> > because:
> > 1) ocaml setupm.ml -configure does not check all dependences
> Right... it checks for cstruct, but the other libs are transitive dependencies
> needed for cstruct to compile.  I don't think those are meant to into the
> DNS _oasis file.

Oh, it is my fault then :-) I manually copied cstruct from opam and didnt check
for its dependences. Sorry.
> > 2) it checks if opam is installed on the machine but does not check if
> > was compiled via opam. It is really mystery :-)
> I don't understand this.  Do you mean that ocaml-dns checks for OPAM? 
> It doesn't do anything with OPAM at all; it just calls the OCaml toolchain
> on the current PATH.

> You might want to do delete setup.data if you're seeing odd caching issues
> in OASIS, and rerun the build.  I find that it doesn't pick up compiler
> changes sometimes.
Oh, it is my fault again :-(
After removing setup.data it install fine.
Sorry for useless worring.




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