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Re: [Xen-API] Introducing Open Source XenRT


This sounds ideal -- given we're gunning for a Oct 22nd release, we don't have 
time to integrate with XenRT before then anyway.  We can look at a hosted-XenRT 
as a longer term, more sustainable testing path, and continue with ad-hoc 
testing for our first release (which will the first of many, and doesn't need 
to be perfect!).


On 2 Sep 2013, at 16:11, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Anil,
> I am still trying to figure out the exact time-line, but assuming that 
> everything goes OK. I would expect a discussion session at the Xen Project 
> Dev Summit in Edinburgh to gather community feedback. The vendors in the 
> Advisory Board (who would fund the test infrastructure) will have quite a bit 
> of influence over the final shape of the system (where hosted, what hardware, 
> etc.), but they already made clear that anybody in the community must be able 
> to add test cases.
> Lars
> On 02/09/2013 15:16, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
>> That's very useful indeed.  I can confirm from past experience with XenRT 
>> that it will definitely be suitable for the bulk of Mirage testing. I'd be 
>> surprised if XenRT isn't suitable for use with the OSS hypervisor (since 
>> it's always had OSS tests, followed by XenServer tests since 2006-2007 or 
>> so).
>> What's the best way to get involved with the conversation about the 
>> test-as-a-service platform?  That's definitely the right direction to go for 
>> us, since we don't have the resources to manage our own XenRT installation, 
>> but can definitely submit test cases and triage the results.
>> cheers,
>> Anil
>> On 2 Sep 2013, at 15:10, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> For your information: XenRT is also very likely to become the test 
>>> (as-a-service) framework for the Xen Project overall. See minutes of the 
>>> last Advisory Board Meeting 
>>> (http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/AB_Meeting/August_2013_Minutes). Next 
>>> steps will be for the Test Framework Committee to have its first meeting, 
>>> decide whether XenRT is suitable for Hypervisor testing (besides XenServer 
>>> testing) and figure out how to move forward with implementation.
>>> Lars
>>> On 02/09/2013 14:13, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
>>>> This is the core engine that has driven all Xen testing for the last 
>>>> decade. Well worth investigating when our Mirage unit tests need more 
>>>> rigorous stress testing!
>>>> -anil
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> From: Alex Brett <Alex.Brett@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Subject: [Xen-API] Introducing Open Source XenRT
>>>>> Date: 2 September 2013 13:49:00 BST
>>>>> To:
>>>>> "xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> As a follow up activity to the open sourcing of XenServer, Citrix is 
>>>>> pleased to announce the open sourcing of its automated test platform, 
>>>>> XenRT.
>>>>> XenRT ("Xen Regression Test") is a test automation framework, written in 
>>>>> Python, providing abstractions for the various components under test 
>>>>> (pool, host, VM, storage, network etc). The library code which makes up 
>>>>> these abstractions simplifies the process of writing tests, allowing 
>>>>> quite complex operations to be performed in a single method call.
>>>>> In a full deployment, XenRT handles all aspects of the testing process - 
>>>>> it will schedule a test job onto a host, bootstrap it (via DHCP/PXE), 
>>>>> install the build to be tested, carry out the testing, and collect all 
>>>>> necessary logs for troubleshooting, without any user interaction required.
>>>>> In addition to basic functional, regression, and stress testing, XenRT 
>>>>> has suites of tests that are used for testing performance, scalability, 
>>>>> and interoperability.
>>>>> Within Citrix, XenRT is used with a distributed lab comprised of an 
>>>>> extremely wide range of hardware, and is developed and maintained by a 
>>>>> team of some 25 developers. Tests are also written and executed directly 
>>>>> by the wider XenServer engineering team, in a true "Test-as-a-Service" 
>>>>> platform - see
>>>>> http://blogs.citrix.com/2013/08/30/xenserver-automated-testing-and-lab-orchestration-introducing-xenrt/
>>>>>  for more information.
>>>>> XenRT has been open sourced to leverage Citrix's experience and resources 
>>>>> in test automation to help improve the quality of open source Xen and 
>>>>> XenServer releases, to benefit the entire community.
>>>>> To get started with XenRT, follow the links below to the code and a 
>>>>> README document (which contains getting started instructions - further 
>>>>> documentation will follow in the near future). For discussion a mailing 
>>>>> list has been created - information about this can be found at
>>>>> https://lists.xenserver.org/sympa/info/xenrt-users
>>>>> README document:
>>>>> http://downloadns.citrix.com.edgesuite.net/akdlm/8169/README
>>>>> Main XenRT tarball:
>>>>> http://downloadns.citrix.com.edgesuite.net/akdlm/8168/xenrt.tgz
>>>>> Third party test resource tarball:
>>>>> http://downloadns.citrix.com.edgesuite.net/akdlm/8169/tests.tgz
>>>>> Source for third party resources (not required for normal operation):
>>>>> http://downloadns.citrix.com.edgesuite.net/akdlm/8169/tests-source.tgz
>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>> Alex Brett
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Xen-api mailing list
>>>>> Xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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