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[MirageOS-devel] Migrating the Mirage List on Friday (Test E-Mail)

This is a test e-mail

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Migrating the Mirage List on Friday
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 13:07:05 +0000
From: Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxx>
Reply-To: lars.kurth@xxxxxxx
To: cl-mirage@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi all,
the new list exists at 
http://lists.xenproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mirageos-devel - it 
is in emergency moderation mode right now, such that we can have a clean 
switch-over. I signed you all up and am about to forward this mail as 
test mail.
Best Regards

On 03/12/2013 16:54, Amir Chaudhry wrote:
> Dear all,
> As mentioned a few months ago, we've been planning to move the Mirage list to xen.org. That will now happen on Friday morning and here's how it'll go (you don't need to do anything).
> 1. A new list will be created at lists.xenproject.org (mirageos-devel@)
> 2. List members will be added to the new list.
> 3a. On Friday morning, this list will be put into moderation mode (ie to stop further messages being sent). Either myself or Anil will let everyone know when this happens.
> 3b. Shortly after the above, an email will be sent on the new list and it'll be open for business.
> 4. Archives will be ported across at a later date.
> The first two are already done (or underway).  Just be aware of the new list address from Friday onwards.
> Thanks all!
> Best wishes,
> Amir
> --
> sent via mobile

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